"Split in half." 16

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355 words
do yall see what ive done with the last two titles lol also this is gunna be a short chapter, the next few may be a little short js so i can get my motivation back up yk for this story anyway im having fun w oneshots

"So, now you've learned the notes, do you wanna start practice?" Perrine asks, smiling as she gently rests a hand on your shoulder. You nod, smiling. "Yeah, why not?"

As you begin practicing alongside everyone, Clémmie and Cole harmonizing as you begin to play, your flute a nice; high pitched addition to their lower, D tone singing.

"Harpy hare, where have you buried all your children?" Clémmie begins, her voice sending shivers down your spine as you play, Kingsley occasionally glancing at you with a smile.

"Tell me so I say." Cole adds, his voice lower than hers, but compliments it well. Perrine hums in the back as you take over the pause with your flute, Cole's ukelele an octave lower to oppose your high flute.

"Harpy hare, where have you buried all your children?" Clémmie repeats, Cole adding on soon after. "Tell me so I say."

As they sing, your mind wanders. Despite playing on key, you think about the lyrics. What're they singing about? Why does it make you so.. shivery?

I know why.

"All the arrows that you've stolen, split in half, now bum and broken, like your heart that was so eager to be his. They will fight and run away." Cole sings, goosebumps running up your back and arms.

Before you could even have a thought about it, Kingsleys big self tunes in; singing "Lalalalala." Bitch that's so unoriginal.

Cole however.. gah dayum.

Perrine notices your eyes locked on the blonde boy, smirking as she hums along, the practice soon stopping just to.. talk.

"I'll be right back, do you wanna come fiddlestick?" Perrine asks as she reaches out for your hand, you quickly take it.

"What's up with you suddenly eyeing cole?" She questions, not in the slightest upset but more.. confused? Worried? Something along those lines.

... find out in 17. :3

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