Chapter Seven: Ups and Downs

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 <Callа's POV>

Calla stomps back home, furiously muttering to herself, wildly imagining everything that would happen to them when they ran away. She couldn't let them go by themselves, but she couldn't leave Ash and her dad.. no. Not ever.

She treads up the driveway, banging open the door, expecting to see Indy and the girls having dinner, but instead, Indy rushes up to her and beams.

"The treatment went well and we can go visit them," she says, "Now get into the car!"

"Wait, really," Calla says her face lighting up, "That's amazing,"

Calla eagerly piles into the car alongside Crystal and Skye, who were chattering animatedly about some band they liked.

Indy drove off happily; she's been happy ever since she got her new car, a black Honda Civic, but she's still embarrassed that "she lost her old car in a lake".

Skye and Crystal chatter to Calla about the potential vacation they may have next month, excited given they have never left the country before.

Calla zones out eventually and stares out the window onto the dark night and street lamp-lit road.

Suddenly, she screams, "Stop!"

The car screeches to a halt as Calla unbuckles her seatbelt and jumps out of the car.

She crosses the road and finds a shivering little stray baby chinchilla. She gasps and picks it up, stroking its warm velvety gray fur.

Calla hops with excitement and heads back to the car, saying eagerly, "Can I keep it?"

Indy raises a brow and says, "This is really spontaneous and we really don't have the money for this. But I guess you could, but you must pay for it,"

Skye and Crystal buzz with excitement and stroke the chinchilla's fur as it nestles deeper into Calla's palm.

Indy sighs but smiles and heads off happily.

A few minutes later they pull up at the private hospital- Hawthorn Glen Specialist Hospital.

Calla sucks in a breath as she cuddles the animal close to her chest. They walk up to the entrance hurriedly, strapping on masks to ensure their safety.

Surgeons and nurses rush here and there pushing wheelchairs, lugging beds connected to drips and fluids. Some people were injured, and others were sick or unconscious.

Calla averts her eyes and focuses on her newfound little pal. They tread up to Ash's and their dad's usual ward- West Wing, Hall 7, room 13.

They'd insisted on being put together, to face their fears and overcome it as a team.

But as they walk towards the ward, in the distance they see lots of upset doctors and nurses hurrying in and out murmuring uncertainly and worriedly.

Crystal looks at Calla worriedly as Skye grabs her arm, clutching tightly.

Indy frowns and quickens her pace and twists her hands together nervously.

As we approach the doorway there are lots of medics crowding inside, buzzing worriedly.

A nurse comes out and says, "No children allowed inside, sorry,"

Indy takes one look at me and sweeps inside while the nurse closes the door.

Five minutes of agonizing waiting later:

She comes out, white as a sheet, eyes puffy, red, and her face tear-stained.

Choking back a sob, she says, "I'm sorry, it's - Ash." 

She backs away, a tear slipping out as Indy crumples into a heap on the floor, Crystal and Skye gasping.

She squeezes her chinchilla out of stress and runs down the corridor: nothing matters now.

'Ash? Her baby sister was everything to her, she can't be gone, she just can't. 

Sobbing now, she turns and runs runs, and runs until she reaches the exit of the hospital.

She takes out her phone shakily and calls Milo's number.

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