Chapter Eight: An Alien Warship Abucts Milo and Sends him to Icecreamlandia

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Rose's and Milo’s POV>

Rose taps her foot on the polished wooden floor anxiously as she waits for Milo to come back with Calla.

She rummaged through the bags, hurriedly running a list in her mind to make sure they didn't miss anything.

Thank the gods Milo agreed to pick up some REAL food on the way to the hospital.

Rose felt super bad for Calla, having a disagreement with her.. and then her family dies.

She clenches her fists: Why does life always have to be so frustrating??

She does one final check through the bags: Flashlights, blankets, first aid, medicine, chargers, power banks, phones, money, clothes, Swiss army Knives, sleeping bags, etc.

‘Let's just hope we can disguise ourselves.’She thinks.

That should be it.

Gathering up the bags, she places them at the front doors, taking a deep breath; this is real; we're running away.

Getting up, she hears a car pulling up in the drive. Milo’s car- a [insert whatever car you want]

Dusting off her pants she hurriedly runs up and opens the front doors for them.

Calla comes in, quietly sobbing, Milo's arm around her comfortingly.

Rose rushes to her side and brings her to sit down at the leather couch, her brow creasing with concern.

Calla’s sniffling gradually stops and she cracks a small smile as she brings out a small animal out of her pocket- a teeny gray chinchilla. She strokes it tenderly, looking up at us.

Milo takes a step back, “Uh Calla, what do you have there, and why is it in my home?.”

Rose pulls a face and says, “Why are you scared of that thing.. ummm.. mouse looking.. thing..?”

Calla says, “Y'all know it's a chinchilla,”

Milo gulps and looks at the animal shakily, “I'm not scared.”

“Then why are you backing away?” Rose raises her eyebrow questioningly.

“You don't know what kind of things that thing has,” Milo said, pointing at the chinchilla anxiously.

“It's not a thing,” Calla says “I’ve named him Nrol.”

“Nrol,” Milo and Rose say simultaneously.

“Yes, I think it fits.” 

“Well anyways... are you coming with us?” Milo asks, jumping to the important topic.

“Y-yes..” Calla grudgingly admits.

“Great.. and sorry.. and.. yay.. and sorry..” Rose doesn't know how to feel exactly. She never experienced sadness like this. Only rage.

Calla looks down and walks away, “I’m not ready yet… can we leave in the morning? Please.”

Milo looks at Rose, Rose gives a hesitant nod.

“Of course, let's get a good night's sleep,” he says “You know where the rooms are.”


“Sounds good, by the way.. what food did you get and it better not be granola bars.” Rose scowls with distaste.

“Rosie pookie, don't worry about it,” he says, waving her off.

“Milo,” Rose says, her voice getting louder “What did you do?”

“Why does everyone always assume I did something wrong,” he says, going to grab the plastic bag. Pulling it open to Rose. “See nothing bad, all good.”

“Bro, you got a rubber ducky,” Rose says, astounded, picking up a squeaky yellow duck.“What the hell are you planning with that,”

“Um,” Milo says scratching the back of his neck “Don't look in my bathroom. There's absolutely no rubber duck collection there that I use. Nothing to see.”

“Ok, ignoring the stupid duck.” Rose says searching through the bag hastily, “Good gods Milo, why did you get ice cream, of all things? How is that going to be useful for us- let alone keep us alive!?”

“It was 50 percent off,” Milo says, sounding like a dad “No way I'm passing a deal like that.” he says shaking his head.

“Whatever. We're still picking up food on the way tomorrow,” Rose looks at Calla like can you believe him?

Calla laughs for the first time, “He's just trying his best,”

Milo sticks his arms out “See, thank you Cali for that,”

“Sure sure. I'm gonna go get some shut eye, y'all can check what's in the bags and add anything. But DON'T take anything out okay?” Rose yawns and takes a step back.

Milo goes to the kitchen and takes out two bowls. Putting an equal amount of ice cream in both, he walks over to red eyed Calla on the couch.

“I know you’re probably not going to sleep,” he starts, “so I got you some ice cream.”

Calla looks up and her face glistening in the dim light, “Thanks.”

“Um, do you want me to stay?”

“No, you can go to sleep,” she coughs out

“Ok, if you say so,” Milo says, “If you ever need…”

“...Yes, yes I know,” Calla says, “...sorry. I just... I just need time to think.”

“All good, Cally Wally,” Milo says walking away and up to his room, at the top of the stairs he yells “Sweet dreams, ladies!”

The last thing he hears before going to sleep is Rose sounding ‘Shut up Commando Ice Cream’.

And in his dreams.. an alien warship abducts him and transports him to IceCreamandia..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04 ⏰

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