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Jade had refrained from asking what Theo needed from his truck for most of the ride. She had not, however, managed to refrain from asking why Theo's truck was in the middle of the preserve and not at Liam's place since he'd alluded to living with them. Theo had clammed up pretty quickly so Jade hadn't pushed the subject. But it made her suspicious. As much as she wanted to trust Theo, she didn't actually know much about him. She had missed most of the drama the year Theo had come into Beacon Hills. The Slayers had had their own Big Bad that they were dealing with. The town had almost been delved into a hellscape. Again.

As a result, she had only really known Theo after his months of disappearance. Mostly, he had been snarky and, sometimes, downright rude. Alongside that, there had been a clear level of distrust between him and the McCall Pack, although Liam had clearly been coming around to him. A fact made abundantly clear the following weeks of the major attack with Liam practically herding Theo into his house along with Mason, Brett, Lori, and Nolan whenever given the chance. Jade had assumed Theo was living there with all the time that he spent there along with the fact that no one had ever brought up Theo living elsewhere around her. However, he had never been rude or even obnoxious to Jade or any of the other slayers. Kind of a dick? Sure. But they lived with Spike and Xander.

When the two had arrived back at the house, Jade exited the truck and a pile of blankets in the back caught her eye. It was thrown over what was clearly a duffle bag and a pillow. Her eyes darted over to Theo who had let out a resigned sigh the moment he realized what she had been looking at. He silently climbed out of the truck and headed for the front door. Jade followed quickly after him. They had given their hello's to Ava who was watching TV but hadn't said much else until well after they arrived at Jade's bedroom. She had tried to give him space and time to answer the unspoken question in the air, but he had promptly laid in the bed with his head buried in a pillow.

"Yeah, this is gonna suck for us both. Why've you been lying to me about living at Liam's?" Jade had sat near the head of the bed, back resting against the headboard. Theo's head near her hip.

"I didn't say I was living with him."

"You let me believe you were. Same difference. Why? It's not like I would've kicked you out to stay with him. Even if I had, I would've at least checked in with him to make sure he knew what he was doing." Jade couldn't help but feel exasperated.

"You haven't exactly been the most welcoming about werewolves. Slayers are killers aren't they?" Theo's voice was flat as he sat up. Jade flinched at the accusation. And, oh, there was the Theo she had heard so much about. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

"Hey, this killer saved your ass. You need to learn how to communicate with people, you utter dick. You don't get to talk to me like that. I helped you, Theo, don't get pissed at me because you hate being vulnerable! Just fucking say not right now!" Jade couldn't help raising her voice. Voice of reason she may be, but she'll be damned if she didn't let Theo know that she was upset.

"Not right now!" Theo glared at her. Jade took a deep breath before exhaling.

"Then we won't. But remember that you're literally sitting in my bed." Jade stood up from the bed and slipped out of the room leaving Theo behind. Isabelle and Sara poked their heads out of their rooms with questioning looks.

"Not right now," Jade sighed. She made her way downstairs and ignored Spike's pointed look as he entered the house.

Jade settled down on the couch with Ava. The other Slayer didn't say anything, just lifted her arm and Jade cuddled up to her. She wasn't even sure what Ava had been watching but that didn't matter. Ava placed a kiss on Jade's hair before placing her head on top of hers.

Theo shuffled down the stairs near three am with a sheepish look on his face. Jade hadn't been able to fall asleep but Ava had gone up an hour ago. She looked over her shoulder at him and turned her attention back to the TV. Theo very reluctantly shuffled over to Jade and hovered over the couch. After 30 seconds, Jade took pity on him and patted the seat next to her. Theo curled up against the arm of the couch, facing Jade. He curled into himself, legs acting as a barrier. His eyes roamed over her face for a while. Jade paid him no mind as she watched the reality show in front of her.

"Calling you a killer was unfair." Theo's voice was quiet enough that she almost hadn't heard him even with the TV on low. "It's not- I don't-" Theo let out a frustrated breath. "Sometimes it feels like I'm an injured dog backed into a corner. All the time."

Jade looked over at him. His eyes were closed, his chin resting on his forearms atop his knees. The words sounded like they were clawing their way out of his throat. She didn't want to interrupt his flow but he fell quiet again. Jade bit at her lip, debating on whether or not speaking would cause Theo to stop opening up all together.

"I don't know how to be honest. The Dread Doctors had beat it out of me by the time I was twelve. I think I want to be. I want to trust. The way you trust the people in this house. The way the McCall Pack trusts each other. The way any pack is supposed to trust each other. But I don't think I can. I think it's physically impossible. Maybe that's why they picked me. They knew I was fucked up from the start. I had to be. To let my sister die like that. She got her revenge in the end. Ripping out my heart over and over." Jade tried not to react to the last statement but something had clearly given her away. Theo's eyes slid open and he stared at her with empty eyes. "I think I was in hell."

Jade didn't know what to do or say. What the hell do you say to something like that?

"I think you just did a pretty good job being honest." Jade's voice wasn't much louder than Theo's was. "Feels like a step towards trust to me."

"I'm sorry." Theo's voice was hoarse. His eyes gleamed with tears but he hadn't let any of them fall.

"It was a dick move. But I forgive you. Now, can we both go get some rest?" Jade gave him a small smile. Theo stared for a moment before nodding his head. "Good."

She held out her hand for him to take. He stared at it before reaching out. Jade fought the smile that wanted to grow and instead led Theo back to her room. Friends. Could be nice.

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