Chapter eight

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- Dragonstone, 131 AC

A day starts with the same routine, after the first meal, Jacaera takes Vermax to the sky with Baela, except today she was alone. Then she will do the training with her younger brothers or attend the court if the queen decides to hold it.

In her alone time, she writes letters to her husband, who has almost finished the winter preparations and will be marching soon, another to Sara asking about her times and her boy, Rickon, and one more for Marya.


She was on her way back from Sea Dragon Tower after giving her letters to the Maester. On the slow walk back, her grandmother met her with a soft smile and invited her to join a walk in the garden. As always, Ser Alyn is tailing behind her. She feels a lot more contented with her time away from home since he arrived from a long journey.

"My condolences for your babe, Jace." Jacaera didn't answer back. In truth, she doesn't want to think about it—about her lost child, the blood, the sadness on Cregan's face, the pain she felt in her chest. For now, she just wants to forget it.

"We all lost someone."

"That doesn't mean you have to."

"Too late. My brother, my best friend is gone. And who knows who will be next? This time, which of my family will the Stranger take?"

The Stranger comes to us all—king, queen, prince, and princess, highborn or lowborn. And it seems they have favored her family because they came too soon. Her grandmother was delivered to them by her grandsire before she was even born, then her aunt, her father, and now her siblings and her child.

"How do you get rid of the feeling? All of me is expecting Luke to walk out of his chamber every time I pass by, to sit next to me when we dine. Sometimes I think I hear his voice, his laugh. When I walk toward the sound, it's nothing."

"We can't. They'll always be with us. Now just focus on who is still here."

"Baela missed the meal this morning. Do you know where she went?" The question made the older woman hesitate to answer.

"Her Grace sent her to take watch around King's Landing." All of Jacaera's face was painted with disappointment. Her idea to volunteer for the mission was ripped away and given to her sister, who is younger than her. She is the heir, and yet her queen doesn't seem to trust that she is capable of fighting for her claim. The only wish is to keep her in this castle and play the role of a princess, one who needs to be taken care of, to be pampered.

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