6 - Confession

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Fritz Smith

This was a disaster. Jeremy would find out sooner or later – he had all the pieces in front of him. With a sigh, Fritz began to speak. "Uh, look Jer-Jermey, I think if-"

"No more bullshit, Fritz."

Fritz turned his gaze downwards, resting on the animatronic parts instead of facing Jeremy's anger. "Al-Alright. They caught me, Jeremy. Uh, they got into my office. Stuffed me into a suit..."

Fritz slowly looked up, catching sight of an astonished Jeremy, his mouth agape. "That's-that's not possible!" Jeremy fired back. "This isn't just a suit. There's no room for a person."

"I know. Haha, this isn't the first suit I've been in," Fritz explained. He recounted the events of the past few months to Jeremy, explaining how he'd been forcefully stuffed into a Freddy Fazbear suit after that golden bear entered his office. He went on to describe the months he spent trapped inside the warehouse, before being rescued by William and somehow appearing in a whole new animatronic altogether. After explaining the amalgamation of wires that had attacked him, the room was filled with a stunned silence. Looking towards Jeremy, he noticed him lost in thought.

"Shit Fritz, I don't know how much of this I can believe. But frankly, I don't have a better explanation. You're sure you aren't hiding with a remote somewhere around here?"

Fritz shook his head.

Jeremy took a deep breath. "Well, alright then. Whatever this is, it sure as hell isn't boring. Okay. We can figure this shit out, Fritz, but I really need to get some rest. Don't kill me in my sleep, alright?"

"I don-I mean-" Fritz stammered, taken aback.

"Oh, and you still owe me for the repair!" Jeremy hollered, shutting the door behind himself as he left the room. Curiously, he didn't lock it that time.

All Fritz could do was stare at the door Jeremy left through, the pressure that had been mounting throughout the conversation replaced by shock. He sighed. He should really get some rest as well. Had he been able to do so back when he was stuck in the warehouse, his time spent there wouldn't have been as dreadful. His new body was a different story though – he'd never actually tried sleeping, always assuming he couldn't – and there were occasions where he would fall unconscious. He shrugged. It was worth a shot.

Laying down on floor of his garage, he began to think of sleep. He imagined peacefulness, dreams, the satisfaction of escaping responsibility and boredom. He focused on these concepts, drawing upon memories of his former life. How nice it was to shut down after a grueling day. How nice it was to-

Fritz found himself at the Jeremy's workbench, his arm moving out as if to inspect a tool. He was groggy, had he been sleepwalking? He looked around, noticing that the entire garage had been reorganized, the various items strewn about having been placed into neat piles, boxes, and shelves. What once was a complete mess of animatronic parts had turned into relative order. Did Jeremy do this? He was amazed that so much could be done while he was asleep. Speaking of which, he checked the clock on top of the workbench – 3:26 PM. He had been out for a while.

With nothing else to do, Fritz spent some time reflecting on the events of the past few days. To think he'd been so afraid of Jeremy finding out about this mess. Well, he still was a bit afraid, but he supposed he could see how things turned out. Pacing around the garage, he couldn't help but think of what Jeremy said while he was repairing him. "Why were you built like this? What the hell can you do?" What could he do?

Fritz knew this body let him sleep – somehow. He couldn't do that in that suit he was... stuffed into. So what was different about this? Really, he was thinking about things while blind – he was in an animatronic, for God's sake! – but even if he knew practically nothing about what was happening to him, he could at least start with the facts.

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