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Hello all, what's up guys! Why so less votes and comments on the last update!? Any problem with the story? Do aware me of it.


The family was having their dinner and was lost in their thoughts. Knowing that Shahana hates love and marriages was a surprise to them, but it was a shock for Aryan the one who loves her for real.

Prachi was sad that she lost her dream job and was having only a few bites. Ranbir was trying to change her mind, and this was seen by Aaliya and Rhea who were angry thinking they're being lovey dovey.

Kartik, on noticing Prachi's face: baby what happened? Why do you look so sad?

This brought everyone from their thoughts and they looked at Prachi. Ranbir side hugged her, seeing her not meeting anyone's gaze.

Ranbir: actually Prachi applied for the job, but in this city so that she can stay with us as well as make her career. But since she lack experience, they can't give her this job. Also they said, that their Branch in Delhi is been overtook by someone today itself.. That's another reason.

All looked on sadly at Prachi.

Vansh: bacha, don't you worry okay. It's just a job. You can apply for any other company too.

Purab: and if you want then you can start your own company. We all will help you.

Prachi: no Purab Uncle, I wanted to start my own business but only after being financially stable myself not by taking anyone's help.

They all agreed to her when Vikram, who was sitting beside Prachi, removed an envelope from his pocket and passed it to Prachi.

Prachi: what's it dad?

Vikram: you're joining letter in the same company you wanted, in Delhi branch.

Everyone was surprised listening him. Aaliya and Rhea exchanged looks.

Pallavi: Vikram, this company was overtook by someone, how did you managed to get a joining letter for Prachi?

Vikram: I knew that Prachi will apply for job, but in Delhi, and since she's not experienced they won't agree, it's what happens always.. So I just simply bought that company.. That's it!

Everyone were highly shocked listening him. They chocked on their food and looked at him with mouth agape.

Prachi: d.. Dad.. You..

Vikram: come on, you were so sad, thanks to my idiotic son (he glared at Ranbir) I can atleast do this much.

Prachi got happy tears. She opened the letter, read it and was extremely happy. She happily hugged Vikram.

Prachi: thank you dad. Thank you so much, you're the best.

She kissed his cheeks. Pragya shook her head while Vansh was jealous.

Vansh: not fair princess, I was the best!

Prachi laughs and goes and hugs him too and kisses his cheek.

Prachi: my both dads are best happy.

She then sits back at her place while Pragya turned to Vikram.

Pragya: Vikram, this is not done.. You're spoiling her like this.

Vikram: excuse me.. She's my Daughter in Law. Every object on which she lays her finger deserves to be hers, got that!

 Every object on which she lays her finger deserves to be hers, got that!

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