Chapter 12: The Search and the Rescue

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**Sumedh's POV**

When Sumedh finally arrived at the scene, his heart sank at the sight of chaos. The area was strewn with wrecked cars, bullet casings, and the eerie remnants of the night's violence. Bodies lay scattered on the ground, a grim testament to the fierce battle that had taken place. Rajat and his team were already on the ground, meticulously combing through the wreckage and searching the surrounding area.

"Sumedh, over here!" Rajat called, waving him over.

Sumedh hurried to Rajat's side, his anxiety palpable. "Have you found him?"

"Not yet, but we found signs of a trail leading into the forest. It looks like he managed to walk away from the crash. We're following it now," Rajat explained, his tone steady but concerned.

"Let's move," Sumedh said, determination etched in his voice.

The team advanced into the forest, their flashlights cutting through the inky darkness. The cold night air was thick with tension as they followed the trail of broken branches and disturbed underbrush. Every snap of a twig and rustle of leaves seemed amplified in the silence.

After what felt like hours, they reached a clearing. Sumedh's breath caught in his throat as he saw a bloodstained patch on the ground, but Abhishek was nowhere in sight. Panic surged through him.

"Search the area! He can't be far!" Sumedh shouted, his voice trembling with desperation.

As the team fanned out, Sumedh's phone rang. It was Chris.

"Sumedh, we've intercepted some communications. It looks like the attack was ordered by someone high up. We're still tracing the source, but we'll find out who's behind this," Chris reported.

"Good. Keep me informed. Right now, I need to find Abhishek," Sumedh said, his voice tight with worry.


**Abhishek's POV**

Abhishek's eyes fluttered open, his head pounding with a fierce intensity. He groaned, trying to sit up, but pain shot through his entire body. He realized he was lying in a hospital bed, a bandage wrapped around his head and arm.

His first instinct was to fight, to escape from this unfamiliar place. He struggled to sit up, but a sharp pain made him wince. His surroundings gradually came into focus, and he saw Sofia entering the room. Relief washed over her face as she saw him awake.

"Abhishek, you're okay," Sofia said, rushing to his side.

"What... what are you doing here?" Abhishek asked, his voice hoarse and weak.


**Sofia's POV**

As Sofia drove home, her thoughts were on the art exhibition, when suddenly, she heard gunshots in the distance. Her heart raced, and she made a snap decision to follow the sounds. When she arrived at the location, she saw a car crashed into a tree, smoke billowing from its engine. Panic set in as she scanned the area for any signs of life.

She noticed a trail of footsteps leading into the forest and followed them. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she pushed through the underbrush. After about ten minutes of searching, she spotted a body on the ground and rushed to it.

Her heart skipped a beat when she realized it was Abhishek, lying motionless with blood seeping from a wound on his forehead. Her hands trembled as she checked for a pulse, relief flooding her when she felt a faint but steady beat.

"Abhishek, please wake up," she whispered, her voice cracking with desperation as she cupped his face in her hands. But there was no response.

Determined, Sofia struggled to lift him. His weight was almost too much for her, but she summoned every ounce of strength she had. With great effort, she managed to drag him to her car. She laid him down gently on the back seat, her hands shaking as she checked his breathing and tended to his wound by tying her coat around his head to stop the bleeding.

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