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CHAPTER 3: Echoes of the Forbidden

{Arushi's Pov}

"Enough! What is going on here?" an old woman, the student coordinator, barked sharply, her voice a mix of authority and exasperation. Her gray hair was pulled back into a tight bun, emphasizing the deep lines etched across her forehead. She surveyed the corridor with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through the chaos unfolding before her.

The students began to disperse, murmuring amongst themselves.

"Am I going to have to pry the details out of you, or will the most esteemed students of this fine establishment enlighten me about this little mishap?"

Rohan, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward with his usual bravado, trying to restore order amidst the chaos. He cleared his throat, a hint of determination in his eyes.

"It was merely a minor disagreement among the students; nothing of significant concern. I'll take full responsibility for their actions and ensure that they receive a formal reprimand." He said earnestly, his voice and behavior controlled unlike mine.

She paused for a moment, scanning the room with a contemplative gaze that lingered on each of us. After what felt like an eternity, she nodded slowly at Rohan, a subtle yet firm gesture that signaled her decision. Without a word, she turned and beckoned Rohan to follow him, leading him towards the office with an air of authority that suggested a serious conversation awaited. The atmosphere in the corridor shifted, as we all exchanged uneasy glances, aware that this was more than just a routine matter.

Just when Mrs. Sharma took Rohan to her office, Kiara snapped at me again threatening my whole existence.

"You're such a douchebag bitch. Couldn't handle it yourself huh? You believe you can just brush this off and walk away, don't you? Let me remind you again: you're not getting out of this so easily. I won't let you off the hook that quickly. You've finally caught my attention and I'll gladly fuck up your whole existence."

I can't deny that her threat sent a chill down my spine, her intense glare piercing through me like a sharpened blade, threatening every ounce of my being. I had learned the hard way, just five months into my time at this school, that crossing any of the elites was a dangerous game. But this moment felt different; it was as if she reveled in my discomfort, her eyes narrowing with a predatory intensity that made my heart race. I had promised myself to tread carefully in these treacherous waters, yet standing here, frozen in place, I realized I had underestimated just how far she was willing to go.

Rudra stepped in sharply, his voice steady but laced with an underlying tension. "Enough, Kiara. This needs to stop. You've already crossed the line, and now Rohan is stuck in the office, cleaning up the mess you've made because of your reckless behavior. Do you have any idea of the consequences this could bring? You're putting everyone at risk with your antics."

Kiara, still refusing to acknowledge the chaos she's created, rolls her eyes dramatically, her voice laced with a sharp edge. "And what of it? I know Rohan would back me up in a heartbeat. He certainly doesn't want those girls-especially the likes of them-getting any ideas about him. You might want to think twice before crossing me; I'm not above making sure he knows exactly where his loyalties lie."

Rudra and Vivaan exchanged exasperated glances, tension radiating between them as they rubbed their temples in frustration.