Chapter 9 - Shocking Discoveries

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Ruby's alarm clock went off at about 6:45 AM, letting her know that it was time to get up and get ready for her first day of work in the Intelligence Unit. She couldn't deny that she was still on cloud 9 from her date with Seth last night as well as them kissing. Ruby almost didn't want to brush her teeth last night because it would get the taste of Seth's tongue out of her mouth. Nevertheless, she greatly enjoyed the previous night, but it was time to get into work mode.

Ruby turned the TV on to the news channel so she could get caught up on some things that she had missed when she was out with Seth. Luckily, there wasn't a lot that happened and there were no crimes that were being reported. Though there was a story on how some White Fang members were reported to be spotted somewhere in Atlas but there was no real evidence to back it up. Ruby had different thoughts though, considering she knew that there were White Fang rallies in Vale so why would Atlas be any different?

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Ruby got dressed and started doing her hair. She had grown accustomed to it and preferred it greatly over the short hair that she had for years. Ruby was a little disappointed in herself that it took her this long to try new things since she was such a routine girl. That was not going to get her anywhere in life, and since she started taking charge look how things were going. She was in a unit, had a new boyfriend, and was respected amongst her peers.

Ruby had to admit that a lot had happened in the span of this last week in a half, but she would like to think that she had handled it pretty well. For starters, she and Seth would go slow, and they would not let their relationship interfere in their work, she had to talk with him about that. Also, she would not let the nonsense that happened with her team affect her anymore. They let her know what they truly thought about her and that's what it was, she would just give them what they wanted, it was better for her anyway.

As Ruby finished brushing her hair, she took grabbed her scroll and made sure she wasn't late. Luckily for her, it was only 7:15 and it only took about 10 minutes to get to the office. Ruby then noticed that Qrow sent her multiple texts that she was just going to ignore, as she didn't feel like having another conversation about her team or quitting the unit like he wanted her to. Just then she noticed that Seth had just texted her and she smiled.

"Hey Beautiful, you sleep ok?" Seth asked.

"Yeah handsome, slept like a baby. Thanks for last night by the way, had a lot of fun." Ruby said sweetly.

"Glad to hear it, maybe we should just keep it on the downlow at the office yeah? Really don't feel like being teased or having Sindel come down on us." Seth said honestly and Ruby chuckled to herself.

"Couldn't agree more, see you downstairs." Ruby said closing her scroll.

She got her bag and made sure that she was not missing anything, as she really wanted to be prepared for the day. When she found out that she had everything she grabbed her scroll and then went out of the door, locking it once she was out. Ruby turned around though, and nothing would prepare her for what she saw. Mira, Shauna, and Akali were all standing across the hall with their arms crossed and smiles on their faces. Ruby's face turned redder than her hair, she knew what this was about.

"Good morning, Ruby! You have fun last night?" Mira asked knowingly with a smirk.

"Yeah Rose, I couldn't help but notice humming in the hallway last night as well as skipping. Any idea what that's about?" Akali asked with a grin.

"I noticed the smile that you had before you saw us, it's like you had it all night! Did Seth take you to Wonderland or something?" Shauna asked with a smile as the girls looked at Ruby expectantly.

"Well would you look at the time! Time to go to work!" Ruby said quickly as she sprinted towards the elevator, but her friends chased after her.

"You're gonna tell us!" Mira said teasingly.

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