Chapter Fifteen: Sisterly Visit

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I opened my eyes, to what seemed like banging on the door, I jumped out of the bed despite August holding on to me. He quickly sat up on the very squeaky bed and the loud, irritating squeaks made me groan after having a difficult time sleeping last night. I looked at the alarm clock before seeing that it was a little past seven in the morning. I stared at August, but confusion and annoyance spread across his face, as he got up and walked over to his suitcase before pulling out a college shirt and ripped jeans.

I laid back down on the bed but August walked over and pulled me out of bed. I groaned before jumping as my feet hit the cold floor, I walked over to my suitcase and threw on my underwear, bra, and a light-colored dress then some fuzzy rainbow socks. I shrugged at my socks, hoping that whoever was at the door wouldn't care about them.

I walked down the stairs to the second floor of the house and then down the steps to the first floor. I peeked my head around the door and saw his sisters on the couch with a computer. August was sitting in the chair with a different cell phone in his hands. He looked at me with despair in his eyes as his sisters flashed me the screen of his getting raped. I gasped in horror before sitting on top of August.

"Of course, you would have rainbow socks," Victoria said before putting the computer down on the table. "Sorry for ruining your trip and us stopping by on Sunday. We were finally able to get access to her computer because she said that she was meeting with her boyfriend. Then she came home, before leaving again, but this time we followed her to an abandoned building with a huge chunk of cash that she pulled out of a duffle bag.

"She met face-to-face with a woman, and everything about it seemed odd, whatever you guys are into you need to stop it because she has something planned for you guys. I know that I have been bitch to you since the day you were born but whatever she has planned you need to steer clear of her. We wrote down the address on the burner phone if you wanted to check it out because it is nearby. I know that there is something odd about you two that is driving her insane so whatever you do act like you are two completely normal people or something bad is going to happen," she finished talking and August and I stared at one another.

We nodded our heads at their words as we figured out what to do, alarms fired off in his brain as they did mine, but both of our minds landed on the lab and somehow his stepmother was a part of it. "Maraline, we want to apologize for our behavior the last time we saw you. Granted, we don't support your relationship with August, mainly because of whatever our mother is planning on doing to you. If you guys understood how destructive she is then you will understand why we act the way that we do.

"She screamed at us for hours about that night and that she has never met a woman like you. You were the first person to ever really beat her, she is planning something huge for you, Maraline. We can be your eyes and ears, but if she is willing to let someone she has known since a child gets raped by a man then we are going to need you to protect us. We understand that there is something different about August and you, that we will never understand and we prefer it that way," Ellie said quickly as she stared softly at my tattoos.

"I am going to call my mother about what you guys just told me and we will go from there. If anything happens then we will let you know. You are welcome to stay at least for the day," August said quickly and I saw them both nod their heads. I got up from his lap and saw him pull out his phone before getting up and walking away.

We sat in silence for a while, before I saw Ellie nudging Victoria on the leg, she sighed before sitting up from the couch and leaning closer to me. "We watched the videos that she had before we saw what happened to August. You should watch the video, he said someone's name," I shook my head at her words, but she just passed me the computer, and from start to finish I saw the whole video, I felt like throwing up and I could feel it bubbling in my body. Panic sat through my body, even anger as I watched him. Every scream, every single no, every time he cried for his mom, and the name Willowmine.

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