Snowflakes peppered down against the bare flesh of my palms and face. The crisp winter air causing a prickling sensation along my face. It had been centuries since I had last been here, within the remains of what used to be the village of Qaayport. I wasn't quite sure what the village was called now, not that I truly cared. A part of me yearned for the old days. For the days before the war. 

A slight shiver ran through me as I continued my trek through the snow covered lands. The forest air was eerily still around me. As if the creatures dwelling within had given up on venturing forth into the winter wasteland that surrounded them. I cupped my palms and brought them towards my lips, blowing into them to bring the warmth back into my chilled fingertips. Is this what had become of my home? A wasteland ravaged by the harsh winter? 

I furrowed my brows studying my surroundings. The trees had been stripped of their bark by the few deer that were brave enough to venture this far, other than the old scattered tracks nothing fresh had disturbed this trail. I hadn't been back to this place since the destruction that night and despite it being a clean slate now, the bitter taste of Lanthys destruction still hung in the air. I could see the spirits of the children I had played with that day wandering through the forest aimlessly. That was one of the worser aspects of my powers. Being able to see the spirits of those I had failed to save lurching about. 

The small pack, along with my quiver and bow lay heavy against my shoulder. I despised using my powers if it wasn't necessary. I had heard about the other First Gods and about how many of us had been imprisoned, my twin being one of them. I had no desire to be among the imprisoned and so I had decided to resort to using an Illyrian sword with a matching dagger and ash arrows as a form of defense. I had no desire to harm the fae or mortals around me but that did not mean that they may not wish me harm. So as such I had to be prepared. 

Before me was a small break in the trees, but the swishing of an arrow through the air in the distance stopped my advances towards it. I waited, breath held as a heard a second arrow follow its course to the desired target. With precise steps, I carefully made my way towards a break in the trees. I could see the figure of a mortal woman making her way towards a pair of corpses. The flakes of snow clung to her golden brown hair. Like myself she was armed with a bow, at least I had found the huntress behind the arrows. I turned towards the corpses examining what her prey had been. Laying amongst the snow was a small doe, a large wolf not far from its corpse.

At first glance it was obvious what had happened and what exactly that wolf was. Even if it hadn't been obvious the pale blue whisp of a fae lurking above the wolf carcass proved my point. The mortal woman has slain a fae, whether intentionally or not, it no longer mattered. Though if she had one ash arrow, that undoubtedly meant she had at the very good possibility of having another. Although not lethal to me, it would be very annoying to have to remove one of those blasted arrows from my flesh. 

I had no doubt that the mortal woman would be unable to carry both corpse and carcass home. Her figure appeared lean against the old garb she'd clothed herself in. It was obvious that the garb was no match for the harsh winter. Before I could even debate it further with myself, I found my legs carrying me towards the mortal. Her blue-gray eyes snapping up towards me as soon as I crossed into the small clearing. I raised my palms quickly, holding them up in surrender so as not to earn myself a shot with her bow. 

"Apologies Lady, it appears I must have stumbled upon an angel. Your beauty is assuredly ethereal," with a small wink towards her frozen form I continued, "I promise I mean no harm Lady. I was merely concerned when I saw you as I passed by and thought I would offer a hand. My name is Cyrilla," I flashed her a friendly smile. A flush seemed to cross her cheeks as she processed what I'd said. Whether from my comment or the cold though only the Old Gods know. Her brows pinched slightly as she glanced between me and the spoils of her hunting trip as if debating on whether I meant her any harm. 

"Feyre. My name is Feyre Archeron," her small voice carried across the clearing. "Well darling Feyre, what do you say? Can I lend you a hand?" After a couple moments of silence Feyre slowly nodded her head, a slight shrug of her shoulders. A feline grin flittered across my lips as I quickly made my way towards her. 

I could feel Feyre looking me over as I got closer to her. Her eyes studying my form thoroughly, stopping momentarily on the weapons  against my hips and the bow and quiver across my back. "Do you like what you see Feyre darling?" I teased with a small wink. The sight of the rosy hue creeping across her face and up her ears brought an immense sense of pride across my chest. Rather than answer my question though, Feyre opted to ignore me and tactfully skin the hide of the wolf. I watched as she carefully wrapped the bloody side of the wolf hide against the death wound of the doe before carefully pushing Feyre out of the way.

"Allow me Feyre, I did offer my assistance didn't I?" I shot her a small grin before making my way to the now wrapped doe. Shrugging off my bow and quiver I held them out towards her, "Would you mind carrying these dear Lady?" A slight roll of her eyes was the only response I got before she took my gear from me. 

With a slight wink at Feyre I crouched down beside the wrapped animal, carefully lifting the corpse onto my shoulder. I relished in the look of shock that crossed her face, how her eyes gleamed in wonder at me. "Lead the way dear Lady"

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