Midterm Mayhem and Unexpected Revelations

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Midterms were around the corner, and the pressure was mounting. St. Mary's High School was a flurry of activity, with students buried in textbooks and flashcards. The library had become my second home, and today, I was meeting the gang for a study session.

As I entered the library, I spotted Sameer, Arjun, and Vansh at our usual table. Sameer, as always, was focused on his notes, looking effortlessly handsome. Arjun was scrolling through his laptop, probably searching for additional study materials, while Vansh was doodling in his notebook, looking as relaxed as ever.

Sameer: "Hey, Naina. Ready for another round of history?"

Naina: "As ready as I'll ever be. These Victorian era facts are driving me crazy."

Arjun: "We'll get through it. Just think of it as another challenge to conquer."

Vansh: "Or, you know, we could just skip to the fun part where we watch a movie after this."

Sameer: "Focus, Vansh. We need to ace these midterms first."

Naina: "He's right. But a movie does sound like a good reward after all this studying."

We settled into our study routine, but I couldn't help but notice how close Sameer and I had grown over the past few weeks. Every time he explained a concept or flashed a rare smile, my heart would skip a beat. He was just so... perfect.

During a break, Maya joined us, looking stylish as always in her new Zara jacket. She brought along a fresh batch of gossip and a playlist of new songs.

Maya: "You guys won't believe what I just heard. Apparently, the school board is considering extending the school year by a week. Can you imagine?"

Arjun: "No way. That's just cruel."

Vansh: "Guess we'll just have to make the most of our free time now."

Sameer: "We'll manage, no matter what. We always do."

Maya: "On a lighter note, I've got ENHYPEN's new song 'XO' on repeat. It's such a bop!"

Naina: "I love that song! It's been keeping me sane during all this studying."

As we dove back into our books, Maya and I decided to take a short walk outside to clear our heads. The crisp air was refreshing, and it gave us a chance to catch up on more personal matters.

Maya: "So, Naina, how's everything at home? Any update on the family drama?"

Naina: "It's been tough. My dad's still stressed, but I'm trying to be there for him. It's hard to balance everything."

Maya: "You're doing great. Just remember, you're not alone. We're all here for you."

Naina: "Thanks, Maya. That means a lot. And how about you? Any new crushes or drama?"

Maya: "Well, there's this guy in my literature class who gives off major Mr. Darcy vibes. Tall, dark, and brooding. I'm intrigued."

Naina: "Sounds like you're living a real-life 'Pride and Prejudice.' You have to tell me more."

Back in the library, the boys were discussing the latest movies and shows.

Arjun Have you guys seen the new episode of The Boys , it so captivating 

Vansh: "I'm more into the  Peaky Blinders kind of stuff. There's something about that time period that's just so captivating."

Sameer: "I prefer the classics like FRIENDS , FULL HOUSE , BIG BANG THEORY. There's a reason they've stood the test of time."

As we wrapped up our study session, Sameer offered to walk me home. My heart raced at the thought of spending some one-on-one time with him.

Sameer: "So, how are you holding up with everything? I know it's been a lot lately."

Naina: "I'm managing. It's just a bit overwhelming at times. But thanks for asking."

Sameer: "If you ever need to talk or need help with anything, I'm here. You know that, right?"

Naina: "Thanks, Sameer. That means a lot to me."

As we walked, I couldn't help but think about how much I appreciated Sameer's support. He was more than just a friend; he was someone I could rely on, someone who made me feel safe and understood.

That evening, I settled into bed with my earphones, listening to "Boy In Luv" by BTS. The upbeat melody and sweet lyrics made me think of Sameer and how he had become such an important part of my life.

Naina: "I guess life isn't so bad when you have friends like these. And who knows, maybe this crush will turn into something more."

With that thought, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a future filled with love, friendship, and endless possibilities.



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