🐺The Hunted Luna - Kaylee

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I ran as fast as I could. My heart beating so hard and fast, it echoed in my ears and drowned out the snarls and roars that persued me.
I shouldn't have stopped for the night. I knew my Wolf needed to rest, but I should have kept running.
My stomach twisted painfully from the lack of food, my mouth dry and my lips cracked from no water.
Stones and branches pierced my skin, my blood leaving an all too trackable trail.
My head snapped to the sound of running water.
I bolted for it, hoping it was a river wide enough I could lose my scent across it with the wind, hopefully lose the demons that followed me.
My heart ached at the reason they hunted me.
I tripped, my body slapping into the river and the violent current I hadn't expect swept me down stream.
The water was deeper than I thought, unable to find the bottom as I was tumbled and dunked.
I slammed into a rock, my vision blurring as I finally managed to surface, taking a gasping breath of air.
I couldn't swim. I didn't know how.
I grabbed at the water, like it would become solid, swinging my arms trying to move towards the bank.
Another rocky area pulled me under and I went over an edge, unable to stop my own scream.
I prayed to the Moon Goddess another Pack didn't find me, I couldn't be responsible for another annihilation.
I wouldn't.
I dropped into the water, the air being ripped from my lungs as I impacted, hitting the bottom and my legs snapped.
Something grabbed me.
I fought, clawing and attempting to punch. The hands on me pinned my wrists with ease, tugging me against a body and we shot to the surface.
I gasped for air, struggling against the person who held me as they pulled me towards the bank.
"Stop!" The voice growled at me, so low and dominating, my body froze on instinct.
I started to panic, wanting to struggle and fight.
To run.
The hands pinned me in a bear hug, moving with me easily as he trudged out of the water, putting me down as I shivered and whimpered, seeing the sets of eyes stared at me.
I ducked my eyes, baring my neck. "Please! I must leave!" I begged them, stealing a glance towards the lake, seeing the dark figures above the waterfall.
I turned to run, the strong hand grabbing my wrist and pulled me into their chest, wrapping me in a bear hug that stopped my movements.
I wailed in a panic, trying to think. "I'm a Rogue! Kill me!" I begged. "KILL ME!" The Wolves before me flinched, stepping back as I broke into fearful sobs. 
The Alpha holding me dipped his head, his nose suddenly on my neck and I froze, whimpering as his warm skin touched mine, igniting a fire in my veins.
"No," he growled low and seductively in my ear.
I whimpered at his voice, my neck tilting further into his nose, letting him smell me.
The telltale smell of blood and death filled the air, a whimper of fear leaving my lips as I felt the change in the wind.
A lash of impossibly icy air.
"Kill me." I begged again. "They'll kill us all if you don't!" The Alpha snarled, releasing me for a moment only to shove me forward, my leg buckled painfully from the break, making me cry out as another person caught me.
"Keep her safe!" The Alpha snapped at the Wolf who now held me.
The Alpha was enormous for a man, nearly seven foot tall and rippling with muscles and strength.
Claws bared from his large hand and his canines lengthened as he turned, facing the two demons who'd followed me down.
They hovered near the water, forming into solid bodies of two vicious looking men with skin as red as blood.
The Alpha snarled at them, stepped forward in a challenge.
The demon on the left matched his step, glaring at the Alpha while the other pinned me with black eyes.
I shook with fear, the man holding me squeezing me gently in reassurance.
"Give us the She-Wolf." The demon before the Alpha demanded, his voice like grinding stone.
The Alpha snarled viciously. "No."
The demons didn't hesitate, making me scream as they descended on the Alpha.
My scream cut off when the Alpha caught one of them by the throat, spearing him in the guy with a claw and tore the demon in half, spinning and sliced the next demons legs.
The demon fell, his legs severed and the Alpha swiped, tearing his throat out.
Both demons turned into pools of steaming tar.
The Alpha turned, blood coating him and shining in the moonlight as he looked at me.
His eyes met mine and my heart raced with sparks and fire, my Wolf stirring for long enough to howl with joy at the sight of our mate.
I fell unconcious.

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