XX: Promises

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Ophelia sat beside Paul, at one end of the table eating dinner. They exchanged silly glances while constantly looking at their parents, hoping they are unnoticed.

It was Lady Glanchester, who brought up the suggestion that would change the course of the evening. "Given their close bond and the advantages it would bring to both families, have you considered the possibility of an engagement between Ophelia and Paul?"

The suggestion hung in the air, and the room fell silent. Ophelia's heart skipped a beat while Paul's hand tighten slightly around his fork. This was not something they had anticipated.

Paul was the first to react, his usually calm demeanor showing signs of strain. "Mother, Father, with all due respect, Ophelia and I are friends. We have never thought of each other in that way."

Ophelia nodded, her voice steady but with an underlying note of surprise. "Yes, we value our friendship dearly. Marriage is not something we have considered."
Lady Glanchester smiled. "Friendship can be a strong foundation for marriage. You two understand each other well, and with time, affection can grow."

Ophelia felt a knot form in her stomach. She loved Paul dearly, but as a good acquaintance, a confidant. The thought of marrying him seemed foreign and unsettling. Marriage is supposed to be out love, but not the friendship kind of love, is it not? She glanced at Paul, seeing the same unease reflected in his eyes.

Lord Pembroke cleared his throat, his expression thoughtful. "It is an interesting proposition. Marriages are often about alliances. However, it is also important that the individuals involved are happy."

Lady Pembroke placed a gentle hand on her daughter’s arm. "My dear, you and Paul are still young. There is no need to rush into anything. But it is worth considering the benefits of such a union."

Lord Glanchester, looked at his son. "Paul, you are destined for great things. Either it is a marriage to Ophelia or to any young lady who makes you happy would make me glad."

The parents exchanged glances, dinner continued, but the atmosphere had shifted. The weight of the suggestion lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the evening. Ophelia and Paul exchanged looks throughout the meal, their minds whirring with uncertainty.


Paul awoke with a sense of anticipation on the morning of his wedding day. His valet, Mr. Thompson, stood ready with an array of finely tailored garments laid out on the bed. Paul's heart swelled with a mix of nerves and excitement as he approached the preparations.

"Good morning, my lord," Mr. Thompson greeted with a respectful bow as Paul entered the room. "It is a momentous day."

Paul nodded in agreement, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Indeed it is, Thompson. Let us proceed."

Mr. Thompson's skilled hands deftly assisted Paul into his wedding attire. A tailored frock coat of deep navy blue, adorned with subtle embroidery at the cuffs and lapels. Beneath it, a crisp white waistcoat and intricately folded cravat completed the ensemble. As Paul stood before the mirror, Mr. Thompson attended to the final touches as he expertly styled his dark hair, shaping it into a dignified yet fashionable arrangement, ensuring every detail was perfect. Thoughts of Ophelia filled his mind and the vow he was about to make—to cherish and protect her for all their days. Finally, as the last details fell into place, Paul stood once more before the mirror. His reflection showed a groom, resolute and prepared, ready to pledge his love and loyalty to the woman who had captured his heart.

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