Life Saver

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As time went on, the occurrences of violence became more frequent. More normal. Each incident left a mark on my soul, that seemed to numb me a little more every time. It was a life filled with constant danger, where the line between right and wrong seemed nonexistent, and the only thing that felt right was the wrong thing. After the incident with Happy, I had started taking paramedic training courses and reading books on first aid, trying to equip myself with the skills to handle the inevitable injuries that came with this life.

One evening, Jess, Gemma, and I were sitting at the picnic tables out in front of Teller-Morrow, lost in conversation, when the rumble of Harley engines filled the air, signaling the return of the club from another run. My heart clenched with anxiety, knowing that every ride could bring them face to face with death. But my mind was put at ease when they rode into the lot, and I saw Jax zip past not too far behind Clay.

Jax was the first to dismount, his face grim and covered in dirt. We locked eyes, and I could see the urgency in his face. He quickly walked over to me, in tense and hurried movements.

"Jax, what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

Before he could respond, the club's black cargo van screeched to a halt in front of the clubhouse, and Chibs and Tig jumped out, carrying an injured Rat Boy between them. Blood was seeping through his shirt, and he groaned in pain.

"Elise! We need your help!" Chibs shouted, and I sprang to my feet, following them into the clubhouse, without a second thought. Gemma and Jess followed closely behind as we hurried inside.

They took Rat to the chapel and laid him on the reaper table. He grimaced and tensed up in pain as they adjusted his position.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, grabbing Chibs' medical supplies out of a cabinet on the other side of the room.

"He's been shot in his side. Bullet went straight through." Chibs said, his voice steady but tense. "No important organs were hit, but we need to stop the bleeding, now!"

I nodded, as I put on a pair of gloves and handed Chibs a pair. "Okay, Tig, get him out of his shirt and cut! Chibs help him flip Rat on the side he's not bleeding from." I instructed as I quickly prepared my tools.

Together, we worked quickly and efficiently, and after what felt like forever, we managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize Rat Boy. I let out a shaky breath, as I looked down at him sprawled out on the couch. I felt both rattled and accomplished, as I realized that we had just saved a life. I looked down at myself, taking in my blood soaked clothes, and stained gloves.

"Good job, Elise!" Chibs said, clapping me on the shoulder. "You're getting better and better at that!"

I gave him a weak smile, too exhausted to respond. I needed a break, to wash off the blood and the tension.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Chibs nodded, his expression understanding. "Go ahead, lass. You've earned it."

I headed to the back room, peeling off my sticky clothes as I went. The hot water felt like a blessing, washing away the grime, and stress of what just took place. I stood under the water for a long time, trying to clear my mind.

When I finally stepped out of the shower, I let out a deep sigh, feeling somewhat better. Wrapping a towel around myself, I walked back into the dormitory, only to find Clay seemingly snooping around.

"Hey... what's up, Clay?" I asked, my voice laced with suspicion. He turned to face me with a faint smile on his face.

"Just uhh, checking on things. Saw what you did for Rat. Good job, kid. You're really stepping up to become the ol' lady Jax needs." He said and I narrowed my eyes, as there was something in his tone that made me uneasy.

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