part 31

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Lexie left briefly to call casey and liv back in as it was now time for her to stitch up jayden. Liv and casey rushed back in having had a good discussion about things. Iiv wasn't happy that casey knew that jayden had been cutting her thighs but she didn't blame her for anything. She was more annoyed that casey seemed to know her sister better than she did. It made her realise she hadn't probably trier as hard as she could. She would now though. Both liv and casey were shocked to see the state of jaydens body. There was a whole load of scars that had obviously been done by an adult.

Never said anything, now wasn't the time. 'Okay so I've injected her with a painkiller so I can begin now!' Lexie said to the 3 women. Jayden nodded as did casey and liv who went either side of the girl. Casey got onto the bed sitting behind jayden so she could lean back into her. She wrapped her arms around thr girl protectively. She had done this for charlie when he was jn similar situations and it had helped him so she figured it was worth a try. Jayden leant back into casey hating how on display she felt. Liv was holding the hand that wasn't going to be stitched up while lexie began to put the sterristrips and the glue on thr ones thst didn't need stitches before moving onto thr stitches. 'This may hurt a bit!' Lexie began but she was cut off by jayden who said 'yeah I know not my first time!' Evidently just wanting it over. She wanted to go back to her normal life. She wanted to go back to when casey and liv didn't know about her arms. It was better then.

Jayden looked away resting her head on caseys chest wincing slightly as lexie sewed up her arm. Casey moved one arm to hold jaydens hand in place stroking her hair softly trying to reassure her and keep her calm. Liv kept herself focused on jayden holding her hand and avoided watching lexie stitch her sister up. It was different when it was a victim she didn't know. This was her little sister. Lexie bandaged up her arm and stood up. 'right thats your arm all done, our psych team need to talk to you and your sister will have to sign some forms and then providing that all goes to plan you can go home!' Lexie said to the girl placing her hand softly on the girls leg as she now had her knees up against her chest trying to hide her body from the people in the room. Lexie passed the long sleeve top back to Jayden as she had sewed the girl up and she had put a bandage over them. Jayden smiled at her and gladly took the top back and pulled it on casey helping her slightly when Jayden struggled to get it on over her bandaged arm. Jayden turned around so she was sat sideways against casey resting her head against the womans chest. 'Olivia do you want to come do the forms now as I can see dr Reese here is probably wanting to have a chat with Jayden now?' Lexie said softly not bothering to say that casey had to leave as it was obvious hat Jayden would shut down if she was told to detach from the woman she was basically clung too. liv looked at Jayden concerned but nodded and walked out of the cubicle following Lexie. the woman who Lexie had called dr Reese walked in and stood next to casey and Jayden looking a bit unsure. she did look quite young. 'h-hi im dr Jesse im with the psychiatry department and I have a few questions!' the doctor stuttered slightly. Jayden looked up slightly and nodded but kept most of her attention on her hands fiddling with the hem of Caseys jumper trying to distract herself from the very real situation. 'are you ok to do it infront her?' dr Reese asked. Jayden nodded. she wasnt sure she could cope with the questions without casey there. she was just too tired. 

'okay great... now I have to ask do you feel suicidal?' dr Reese asked carefully looking at the girl. Jayden softly murmured 'no!' because she didnt. she realised she had stuff to live for now. she didnt want to go into eternal nothingness when she had a family now. she had people to live for now. the answer would of been very different 2 months ago. dr Reese nodded. 'now ive looked through your records ive seen the various er trips, abuse reports and such so I can get a idea of why you hurt yourself and from what you have said to dr grey and you have been in this situation before so you know the drill, be safe and keep the cuts clean, be careful or you very well could end up dead!' dr Reese said somewhat bluntly knowing it needed to be said. Jayden nodded knowing ti was true. she needed to hear it. 'I know!' Jayden said basically whispering turning to look at dr Reese briefly before turning back into casey to hide herself from dr Reese and try to protect herself. she didnt feel very safe. she didnt like hospitals. 'so I think that is everything all done there I will go and get dr grey back in here!' dr Reese said before walking out. her people skills were a little bit lacking. 'are you ok sweetheart?' casey asked stroking the girls hair sensing that she was stressed and feeling uneasy. Jayden nodded. 'I just wanna go home!' she said in a tired voice. she just needed to sleep it off. she was annoyed at herself for letting it get that far. she should of been able to keep it hidden. she should of been better. 'I know jay we can go home soon!' casey said trying to sooth the girl who had clung to her with every ounce of strength she had. 

Lexie came back into the room with liv following her and sat down on the bed again. 'now you're almost ready to be discharged but I just need to go through some aftercare okay!' Lexie said softly. casey and liv nodded and Jayden looked at Lexie. 'so everyday the cuts need till be checked and cleaned and then rebandaged and any signs of infections I want you to come back in okay and im going to make an appointment for the stitches to come out in a week okay!' Lexie said looking at casey and liv rather than Jayden as it was clear she was beginning to fade. 'okay what should we use to clean them?' liv asked. before Lexie could even answer both casey and Jayden said at the same time 'sterile water!'. liv looked at casey confused not sure why she would know that so easily. it was a instant answer. 'I was in a complex relationship!' casey said softly knowing liv and Jayden were looking at her slightly confused why she knew that as a snap response. they all knew that casey was presumably referring to domestic abuse but didnt push. it definetely wasnt the time. 

'yep you are both right sterile water and then dried with a gentle and clean towel and being left to air for a bit before being bandaged back up is best!' Lexie said softly, her tone slightly different that before. perhaps it was the abuse insinuation. 'okay wonderful thank you... so much dr grey!' liv said shaking her hand smiling at her. dr grey smiled back and nodded. she grabbed a card out of her pocket and quickly wrote down her number on it. 'if you have any questions or there are any emergencies this is my number feel free to contact me whenever!' Lexie said handing liv the card while casey gently encouraged Jayden to stand up. casey was almost more worried now than she had been earlier. she had seen the blood and cuts before with Charlie but the kid was so despondent and vulnerable now it scared her. she was really worried she had never seen her like this. Jayden stood up and walked over to liv and hugged her. 

'im really sorry liv!' Jayden murmured into her. liv looked at casey concerned and wrapped her arms around the girl shushing her softly. 'you dont have to apologise honey... not for this... not ever okay!' she said kissing the top of her head lightly. Jayden shook her head disagreeing. 'I just want to go home!' she said barely audibly. 'okay baby lets go home!' liv said sending another concerned look to casey and smiling at Lexie before Jayden let go of her but took a hold of her hand as they walked out towards Caseys car as liv had come in a taxi. 

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