ch. 25

26 2 11

after the commotion had died down, the qpr headed upstairs. as they walked down the hallway, they heard wooyoung's voice ring out from one of the rooms. he shoved open the door to yeonjun and soobin's room and screamed, "y'all, next time you guys do it, please book a hotel. you guys are louder than san and i, and that's saying a lot!" he then slammed the door shut, the sound echoing down the hall.

beomgyu stifled a laugh, and taehyun couldn't help but chuckle along. once they were in their room, taehyun announced, "i'm gonna take a shower."

beomgyu nodded, turning on the tv and scrolling through youtube. taehyun disappeared into the bathroom, and beomgyu found himself engrossed in a cooking show. a few minutes later, taehyun emerged from the bathroom, his hair wet and his face fresh.

beomgyu hopped out of bed and walked toward him and nudged him in the shoulder. taehyun  backed away to blow dry his hair while beomgyu returned to watching the cooking show.

after a while, taehyun emerged from the bathroom and tucked himself into bed. "your turn to get ready." he said.

beomgyu complied, getting up to brush his teeth and do his nightly routine. once he was done, he joined taehyun in bed, settling under the covers. just then, kai walked in.

"what do you guys think the group should do tomorrow?" kai asked.

taehyun suggested, "how about going to the beach? there's one close to here."

beomgyu nodded in agreement. "i'm fine with that."

"sounds good to me too," kai replied. "thanks, guys. goodnight." he closed the door softly behind him.

taehyun paused, squeezing beomgyu's wrist. "in case i die tonight, i appreciate you, beomgyu."

beomgyu gave a small smile. "appreciate you too, tyun." he whispered back.


morning came too quickly for taehyun and beomgyu as they were jolted awake by the blaring sound of a foghorn and kai's voice yelling throughout the house, "wake up, gays! get changed, we're going to the beach!" groans echoed from various rooms, but kai's excitement was infectious.

beomgyu overheard kai instructing heeseung to make sandwiches for everyone, to which heeseung responded with a reluctant groan.

beomgyu turned to taehyun, who was still buried in his pillow. "come on, tyunnie, time to get up." he said, gently shaking him. taehyun mumbled incoherently.

"do you have any swim clothes?" beomgyu asked, already knowing the answer.

"yeah." taehyun replied, voice muffled by the pillow.

beomgyu rummaged through taehyun's drawer and found the swim clothes, tossing them onto the bed. "get dressed. i'm going to change in the bathroom."

taehyun stirred awake with difficulty, his hair a nest in his head. he closed the door to their room and began to get dressed. beomgyu emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, fully changed. taehyun shuffled into the bathroom to brush his hair.

beomgyu followed him in. "you look terrible," he teased before zooming out of the bathroom, responding to yeonjun's screeches.

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