ch. 40

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taehyun was home. not just the physical space, but the feeling—the sense of belonging, of being with people who cared for him. he could barely believe it. after everything that had happened with his parents, after all the pain and confusion, he was finally back where he felt he truly belonged.

the house was filled with the comforting smells of food. beomgyu and heeseung had prepared a feast, though taehyun had no idea that beomgyu could even cook, let alone this well. it seemed like beomgyu had a hidden talent, one that taehyun had completely overlooked all this time.

"seriously?" taehyun asked, his eyebrows raised as he took another bite. "you're this good at cooking and never said anything?"

beomgyu shrugged, but there was a proud smile on his face. "i didn't think it was that big of a deal."

heeseung chuckled from across the table. "he's been holding out on us. actually, no, he just didn't want to go through what i had to." he glared at beomgyu, who shrugged.

taehyun laughed softly, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. for the first time in what felt like forever, he was surrounded by his friends, his family—people who genuinely cared about him. he caught up with everyone: matthew, beomhan, kevin, sunoo, yeonjun, soobin, kai...the house was alive, finally, and not the husk of a house that used to hold life like the one his parents lived in.

"oh, by the way," taehyun said between bites, remembering something. "i had that dentist appointment for my wisdom teeth next week, but...well, guess i can't go anymore."

kai waved him off with a grin. "don't worry about it. i'll take care of it."

"what's that supposed to mean?" taehyun asked, giving kai a suspicious look.

"you'll see," kai replied cryptically, his smile widening.

"i will never understand rich people." soobin shook his head, earning a couple of laughs from the group.

after dinner, taehyun felt a sense of contentment settle over him. he had missed this—missed them. the ease of it all. no tension, no underlying dread. just the simple joy of being with people who made him feel safe.

later that night, when they all retreated upstairs, taehyun finally let himself breathe. he collapsed onto his bed, sighing in relief. beomgyu, who had been trailing behind him, hesitated before sitting on the edge of the bed.

taehyun, without a second thought, reached out and pulled beomgyu down with him, snuggling into his side. beomgyu froze, caught off guard by the sudden affection.

"what's with all the touchiness all of a sudden?" beomgyu asked, his voice teasing but soft. "it's unlike you."

taehyun pouted, burying his face against beomgyu's shoulder. "do you even know how much i missed you while i was with my parents?"

there was a pause, and then beomgyu laughed, a quiet, breathy sound that made taehyun's chest tighten. "i know," he said softly, wrapping his arms around taehyun and holding him close. "i missed you too...a lot."

the room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound being their steady breathing, the warmth between them making everything else fade away. taehyun tightened his hold around beomgyu, his heart swelling with emotions that he hadn't fully processed yet. he didn't know what exactly he felt for beomgyu, but as long as he knew what it felt like, he was fine with that. he didn't feel the need to label it. all he knew was...

"i love you." he whispered.

the words hung in the air, and for a second, taehyun thought he might have crossed a line. but then, beomgyu hesitated, and taehyun's breath hitched. finally, beomgyu's voice broke the silence, a little surprised but filled with sincerity.

"i love you too."

arrows an aces, @sinsib2000
started 6/6/24
finished 9/11/24

#5 in aromantic

so that's the end
but i have a thanks to so

arrows and aces (a taegyu text ff cause uh yeah)Where stories live. Discover now