Turning Point

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I was taken back to my cell after trying to escape, my mind spinning with the day's events. My alibi was falling apart, and it felt like the walls were closing in me. But I couldn't let them turn them break me. I had to find a way out of this.
The next day, I was informed that I had a visitor. My heart skipped a beat, hoping it was Hoseok or one of the guys. Instead, I was led to the visitor's room to find my father sitting there. My blood ran cold. I hadn't seen him since he walked out on Hoseok and me when I was ten.
"Hyejin," he said, his voice gruff and unfamiliar.
"Dad," I responded, the word tasting bitter on my tongue.
He looked at me, a mixture of anger and worry etched into his features. "What the hell have you gotten yourself into?"
"What do you care?" I shot back, my voice tinged with resentment. "You left us. You don't get to come back and act like you give a shit now."
"I'm still your father," he snapped, his eyes narrowing. "You're in serious trouble Hyejin. What the fuck were you thinking?"
I laughed bitterly. "Thinking? I've been doing just fine without you. You don't get to waltz back into my life and judge me."
"I've been trying to keep tabs on you," he said, his voice softening slightly. "I know I fucked up, but I'm here now."
I felt a surge of anger and discomfort. "You're a little too late for that, don't you think?" I stood up and turned to the guard. "Take me back to my cell. I'm done here."
"Hyejin, wait," my father called out, but I ignored him. I didn't need his concern now. I needed to focus on getting out of this mess.
Back in my cell, I let my anger fuel me. I wasn't going to be the scared little girl who was abandoned anymore. I was going to fight back, and I was going to win. I thought about the group, about Hoseok and the others. They were my family now, and I wasn't going to let anything or anyone tear us apart.
I looked around the cell, feeling a newfound determination. If they thought the could break me, they had another thing coming. I was going to show them that I was stronger than they could ever imagine.

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