Unbreakable Bonds

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I spent the entire day locked in my apartment, the curtains drawn tight to shut out the world. My phone buzzed incessantly with messages and calls from Jimin, but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I was a mess, physically and emotionally, and I didn't want anyone to see me like this.
As the hours dragged on, a text from Hoseok lit up my screen. I ignored it, just like the others. Then his call came through, but I let it go to voicemail. I couldn't face him-not now, not with the bruises marking my skin and the guilt gnawing at my heart.
An hour later, a loud knock echoed through the apartment. I froze, my heart pounding. I cautiously approached the door and peered through the peephole. I was Hoseok.
"Hye-jiin, I know you're in there! Open the damn door!" he shouted, banging harder.
I hesitated, but I knew he wouldn't leave. With a deep breath, I unlocked the door and opened it just enough to see his concerned face.
"Let me in," he demanded, his eyes scanning mt face. The moment he saw the bruises, his expression darkened. He pushed the door open and pulled me inside, his grip firm but gentle.
"Who did this to you?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.
I shook my head, avoiding his gaze. "It's nothing Hoseok."
"Bullshit," he snapped. "Did Jimin do this?"
"No," I said quickly. "It wasn't Jimin."
"Then who?" he pressed.
I bit my lip, trying to think of a plausible lie. "It was... just a random mugger. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Hoseok narrowed his eyes, clearly not believing me but choosing to let it go for now. He pulled out his phone and called someone. "Yeah, I'm not coming. Hyejin's sick. You guys go ahead without me."
He ended the call and turned back to me, his expression softening. "Come on, let's sit down."
We settled on the couch, and for a while we just sat in silence. Finally, Hoseok broke the tension with a small smile. "Remember that time we tried to bake a cake for mom's birthday and almost burned the house down?"
I laughed despite myself. "Yeah, and we ended up buying one and pretending we made it."
The conversation flowed naturally from there, memories and laughter slowly easing the weight on my heart. We talked about everything and nothing, the bond between us strengthening with each word.
As the day wore on, Hoseok brought up something we rarely discussed. "You know, I never cared that you were adopted," he said softly. "To me, you've always been my sister."
Tears welled up in my eyes. "I know. And you've always been my brother. Blood or not, we're family."
He reached out and squeezed my hand. "You can always talk to me Hyejin. About anything. I'm here for you."
I nodded, the tears spilling over. "Thank you, Hoseok."
For the rest of the day, we stayed there, talking and laughing, the outside world forgotten. Hoseok's presence was a balm to my wounded soul, his unwavering support reminding me that I wasn't alone.
As the night feel and Hoseok finally left, I felt a glimmer of hope. The path ahead was still uncertain and fraught with danger, but at least I knew I had someone by y side, no matter what.

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