Nird of prey

261 11 7

Y/N's yo-kai friends: 29


It's that time of often do these stories come out? Ah, well, you'll figure it out. Anyway, this one is different this one isn't starting with everyone's favorite yo-kai/human duo. In fact, it starts out in a tree with a figure plotting.

???: Hmmm... They will be here in time...

Wondering who this creepo is? Keep reading and you might find out. So the figure waits in the tree hidden by its many leaves and branches.

???: They have arrived... And they have not noticed the trap I have prepared...

Hey look, it's Y/N and Lie-in walking while looking at their Yo-kai pad.

Lie-in: Look at that, there's a new sweet shop that's opening soon.

Y/N: Petty-Cake quotes, "I won't mind if you don't read this but I hope this shop opens soon." Sounds like she wants someone to take her.

Little did our heroes know they were walking right into a trap. In the way of an open man-hole.

???: They shall be plunged into the sewers. It will teach them a lesson about not paying attention.

The two were getting closer and closer to the man-hole not knowing what they were in for.

Lie-in: Huh? Cue-tee's doing make-up tutorials? Why?

Y/N: Maybe she wants to impress a "certain someone". Wink, wink.

Lie-in: ...Why are your winks vocal?

Still distracted by the media via yo-kai pad they had no idea they were about to fall into a man-hole.

???: Right on the mark.

But just as they were going to fall into the man-hole the friends began to bicker.

Y/N: What do you mean we should go to that hibachi grill in Shoppers Row? You just want to go since 90% of what you eat is Chinese food.

Lie-in: Hibach is not just a dining experience like no other. It's not just cooking it's an art. You would know that if you would stop eating junk like candy.

Y/N: I'll junk you.

The duo who both had a hand on their yo-kai pad began to pull it back and forth while moving out of the way of the manhole.

???: What?!

Seeing how they dodged the trap the figure dropped from the tree and fell face-first into the pavement. The figure then began walking without raising their awareness.

???: That idiotic lion and his even more idiotic human partner dodged my trap. It appears I must try harder to trump them. Then my revenge will be complete. Squa-ha-ha-ha-WHOA!!

The figure wasn't looking where they were going and fell into the manhole.

Lie-in: Did you hear something?

Y/N: I don't think so.

Lie-in: What were we talking about?

Y/N: Um... I dunno. Maybe it was why we're such good buddies.

Lie-in: That sounds right.

The friends walked away laughing as they had no idea what was to be expected this day.

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