A Maddiman's creation

196 10 11

Y/N's Yo-kai friends: 30

Today Y/N with his pals Bear, Katie, Eddie, Hailey, and Nate were chatting before class could start. Those kids just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can they? Let's go see what's all the hubbub's about, shall we?

Bear: So, how long have you guys ever gotten sick?

Katie: 5 days.

Y/N: A week.

Hailey: 14 days.

Eddie: Hailey, why didn't you just say 2 weeks?

Hailey: Because 2 weeks is 14 days.

Bear: What about you, Nate?

Nate: ...A weekend.

Everyone: (How average...)

Y/N: So, what about injuries? 

Bear: Ooh, ooh.

The large kid lifts his elbow to show a nasty scab.

Eddie: Sick.

Hailey: Gnarly.

Katie: I think I'm gonna hurl. (Gag)

As Nate pats Katie on the back the bells ring indicating class starting soon. The friends scrambled to their desks and sat down.

Y/N: Bear, as your friend I say this in the nicest way possible. Go get that disgusting thing checked at, ya wacko!

Bear: I would but I don't wanna worry my folks. Plus the hospital is all the way across town, it'll take us half an hour to get there. If only we had been born while that place in Shopper's Row was still around.

Y/N: Nocturne Hospital?

Nate: That place has been closed for years ago.

Bear: Yeah, but at least it would be close by.

Hailey: I heard the place is haunted.

Katie: Is every place haunted now?

Hailey: No, really. This friend of mine has a friend who has a friend who has a friend who has a friend who has a cousin who heard evil laughter coming from the inside of the hospital. Like evil madman laughter.

Eddie: What kind of madman?

Hailey: I don't know, a scientist maybe.

Katie: That's not really specific, Hailey.

Y/N: It's from a telephone line, no doubt the story got mixed and mangled along the way.

Mr. Johnson, the teacher, walked in and everyone sat at their desks ready for whatever they'd learn today. Though Y/N still had the rumor of the hospital on his mind.

Y/N: (Still it sounds like yo-kai activity. Wouldn't hurt to check it out. But I should probably do it when no one's watching.)

(Time skip brought to you by Lie-in and Panja Pupil teaming up)

Later that day the sun had set and the moon had risen and all the good boys and girls of Springdale were now fastened into their cozy beds ready to drift off into their dreams. Meanwhile at the L/N Residence, Mother and Father L/N were tucking in their usually rambunctious son.

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