Chapter 1-17: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

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A/N: I'm skipping A Bird in the Hoof. This will be a pretty short chapter.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, which consists of Applejack's little sister Apple Bloom, Rainbow's youngest admirer Scootaloo, and Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle, have been going around asking my friends for their cutie mark stories, looking for Rainbow Dash's story. Pinkie was telling me about it while gathering us all in Sugarcube Corner, and she told me her cutie mark story before leaving to find the CMC to bring them to Rainbow Dash.

She'd grown up on a rock farm, which sounds like a pretty boring and depressing place to grow up if you ask me, and smiled wider than ever before when she suddenly saw a rainbow, never having seen one before. She knew right then and there that she wanted to spread her happiness to everypony, and got her cutie mark. While waiting for the CMC, my friends told me their stories.

Applejack grew up on the orchard with Big Mac and Granny Smith, and she'd wanted to try living a sophisticated life like Rarity and went to live with her aunt and uncle Orange in Manehatten. She didn't feel like she fit in there, and was having quite a bit of homesickness that night. Just as she was wondering what her brother and grandmother were up to, she saw a rainbow pointing the way toward home. She knew right then and there that she belonged at the orchard, and when she ran all the way home, she got her cutie mark.

Fluttershy said she got her cutie mark at Summer Flight Camp. She'd been bullied by the same colts that still bullied Rainbow Dash at the Best Young Flyers Competition, and they were making fun of her lack of flying skills. They were humiliating her, and Rainbow Dash came out of nowhere to defend her, challenging the colts to a race. Right at the start of the race, she was pushed off of a cloud and landed on the ground below, seeing butterflies for the first time. She explored the area and found even more animals that were unfamiliar to her, but she adored them nonetheless. All of a sudden, there was a rainbow explosion above that scared the animals and they hid. She went to calm them down, and that's when she discovered that she was able to communicate with the animals, understanding their languages.

Rarity was one of the last fillies in her class to get her cutie mark, and she'd already been disigning costumes and knew that she was meant to do something to do with fashion, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was that she was missing to keep her from her cutie mark. The night before a big performance for a school play, her horn pulled her a long for hours to a large rock on a cliff. Just as she was going to leave, dismissing it as just a stupid rock, a huge rainbow explosion rang out, cracking the rock open and exposing it's gem-filled center. It was a large geode! She used the gems inside to decorate the costumes she made, and when she saw how everypony loved her gem-studded designs, she got her cutie mark.

As for Twilight, she started studying magic after seeing the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot, trying to learn as much magic as she could. Her parents eventually enrolled her in Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, a dream come true for the filly. But she had to use her magic to crack open a dragon egg to pass the entrance exam. She was about to fail when she heard an explosion and her magic surged, turning her parents and the exam administrators into inanimate objects and opening the dragon egg, turning the dragon gigantic. She was only able to be stopped by Celestia, who helped her turn everyone back to normal and turn the baby dragon back into a baby dragon, taking her as a student because of her raw magic abilities, and she got her cutie mark because of that magic surge and got to keep the baby dragon, naming him Spike.

Just as Twilight finished her story, the Cutie Mark Crusaders enter Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie, Scootaloo exclaiming, "Rainbow Dash! You're here!"

Rainbow says, "I hear you're looking for my cutie mark story."

Scootaloo sighs, saying, "You have no idea what I've been through today to hear that story."

Rainbow says, "It all happened during the race at Flight Camp where I stood alone against all odds to defend Fluttershy's honor. I'd never flown like that before! That freedom what unlike anything I've ever felt! The speed, the adrenaline, the wind in my mane... I liked it. A lot! Turns out the only thing I liked more that flying fast... was winning! Most ponies thought that the sonic rainboom was just an old mare's tale, but that day, the day I discovered racing, I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen! And that, little ones, is how you earn a cutie mark."

The CMC say in awe, "Whoooaaa..."

Fluttershy says, "Wait a second. I heard that explosion. And I saw the rainbow, too. Rainbow Dash, if you hadn't scared the animals, I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my cutie mark."

Pinkie adds, "I heard that boom! And right afterwards, there was this amazing rainbow that taught me to smile."

Applejack adds, "When I got my cutie mark, I saw a rainbow that pointed me home. I bet it was your sonic rainboom!"

Rarity adds, "There was an explosion I could never explain when I got my cutie mark."

Twilight adds, "This is uncanny! If that explosion didn't happen when it did, I would have blown my entrance exam. Rainbow Dash, I think you helped me earn my cutie mark, too!"

Rainbow says, "Whoa!"

Pinkie exclaims, "We all owe our cutie marks to you!"

Fluttershy asks, "Do you realize what this means? All of us had a special connection before we even met!"

Rarity adds, "We've been BFFs forever and we didn't even know it!"

All except me. They seem to have not realized my down-turned face as they hug each other, all happy to have this connection to each other. The only connection I have to any of them is my Element of Harmony.

Scootaloo scoffs at their sappiness, saying, "Gimme a break. Come on, Crusaders! Maybe we just need to try zip-lining again."

She sighs, and Fluttershy asks, "Hey, what about a song?"

I fake a smile as my friends all utter cries of approval, Pinkie exclaiming, "Definitely!"

Scootaloo cries out, "Noooooo!"

Twilight says while Spike writes, "Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned something amazing. Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them. If you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends, just look up in the sky. Who knows? Maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow."

Spike exclaims, "Gross! When did you get so cheesy?"

Twilight responds, "Just write it, Spike."

After the CMC have left, Pinkie says, "Hey, come to think of it, how did you get your cutie mark, Scarlette? Maybe you got yours on the same day, too!"

I respond, "I got mine when I first woke up here, around a year ago. There really wasn't anything special about me back home."

Fluttershy says, "That can't be true. You are special, Scarlette. You're our friend, and an Element of Harmony! Friendship just isn't the same without Empathy, your element."

I fake another smile, but her words just feel empty in my ears. They all have this special connection to each other, except me. The human that turned into a pony. It's times like this where I feel like I still don't truly belong here, not that I really belonged anywhere back home.

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