"You don't look the same." Lynne said to me as I gobbled down 4 slices of pie. "What do you mean?" She tilted her head from one side to the other. "Your face is fuller than I remember, and your clothes look kinda tight...Your more curved too." I stopped eating, I looked at her."Watashi wa watashi no hana o ushinaimashita." she dropped her fork. "No....Harper, No." I hung my head, I was ashamed to be seen. "You're coming home right now."
".....Home....." I chocked on the word.***
I walked into the house, and looked at everything. Nothing had moved ,nothing had changed. "Mama...Papa." Lynne called out. "In the kitchen." mama called back. I walked in and looked at her. "Mama?" She dropped the bowl she was washing out. Her smile was just as beautiful as before. "Watashi no hāpā" I teared up. "Hai, mama, it's me." She stepped over to hug me and I let her. It felt good to be back in the arms of the people you belong to. "Aykiko...." He froze when he eyes touched my browned skin. "Harper." He ran over to us and squeeze me and mama, Lynne joined in.****
"Officer Martin, what can we do?" Mama asked as she held my hands. "Well, first we would need to do a rape kit, has she showered or washed up since the incident?"
I shook my head. "There is no water, and he keeps the sheets as a reminder." I squeezed mama's hands as memories poured in.
"Tinzin, I'm going to take her to the doctor after this." He nodded and after the cops left we headed over to Dr.Rowe's office.****
"3:15 appointment for Harper M. Sins?" Mama said. The nurse looked through the computer's. "Awe yes, Nurse Latricia will show you to your room, and Nurse Patricia will bring you your changing outfit. Dr. Rowe walked in, "Hello, again Harper." I tilted my head. "I delivered you 15 years ago, you were my last delivery.""Okay, Harper. Your hGC is....positive." Mama lowered her head. I looked around bewildered "What am I going to die!" The nurse was stunned, she and mama chuckle.?"Oh, right your only 15, it means your pregnant sweetie, 4 weeks along. ." I froze I looked at mama. 4 weeks. That would be the day I left from home. "Do you know the father?" Dr.Rowe asked. I winced at the question. "Yes, it's my biological father."
I sat by my window in my old room. My mind is racing, I'm a fifteen year old girl, a kodomo. I don't know how to be a mother. What can I do, I ask myself in my head, tearing at my curly dark brown hair. I hear a faint knock on the door. "Come in." Lynn pops her head through the door. "Mama is making dinner... Its your favorite."
I looked over my shoulder and let out a deep exhale. "Breakfast for dinner." We said in unison.
I sat in the same spot across from Lynne, mama on my left, papa on my right. Wallace sat on Lynne's side. I smile, I missed mama's cooking so much. A hard knock was heard at the door. "I'll get it honey." Mama got up and went to open the door.
"FREEZE! DONT MOVE!" A loud commotion comes from down the hall. "AYKIKO CHO YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR THE KIDNAPPING OF HARPER MARIE SINS." The officer began to read mama her rights as they dragged her out of the house. I could hear mama screaming. "Tinzin!" Papa jumped from the table, and rushed at the officer. The office pulled out his gun. 2 quick shots were fired.
I watched his body fall to the floor, a pool of blood began to stream from his chest soaking his fresh press work shirt. Mama, was looking through the door frame, eyes wide with disbelief.
She snapped the police officer's arm and ran to papa's side. "Tinzin?!" Her voice breaking as she frantically tried to save him. "Tinzin!Watashi no ai! Don't go!" He placed his hand on her face. He smiled "If I must go, won't you come with me?" She smiled remembering the words they spoke once as a vow of one another's love. "If you must go, then I have to come as well." She giggles as tears flow."Kodomo-tachi wa jikkō shimasu! hurry go somewhere safe." Lynne and I nodded. "Until we meet again. " We said as we bowed to her. We grabbed Wallace, Lynne grabbed her backpack and we bolted out the side door. We hear more gun shots, and sprinted down the street. We ran and ran and ran, not turning to look back. We stopped just near Venn's house.
"Lynne...?" I asked out of breathe. She was balling up into a fetal position. "Mama....Papa.....Gomen'nasai." She winced as the sharp blade of reality cut through our innocence. "Lynne we have to go, we have to get somewhere safe." I grabbed her hand and helped her off the ground. "First we have to get Venn."

Harper Sins
SpiritualStory idea: Born to destroy all On the day we cry the longest Humanity will fall The strongest made weakest And the secular shall perish. Fate's words written in permanent ink I will not relish I will not think I will only act. This is the story...