"My name.... What did He say? Harper Marie Sins." I tell my momma. "Harper. That's different." Momma says in a soothing voice. We sit in our kitchen as she braids my long natural hair. "What else did He say, baby?" She asked as she finished the last cornrow. "He said that I will carry out the last order... Momma what does that mean?" She turned to the stove to cut off the gas fire. "God's given you yo daddy's job June bug."
Just as she said that the front door opened and I ran out of the kitchen. "Daddy!" He smiled and opened his arms to me "Hello my angel!" He picked me up, kissed my cheeks, and walked into the kitchen. "And my ebony queen." momma giggled "Gabriel we aren't humans," he laughed. "Yeah but your still a queen. What did my two favorite ladies make to eat?" We sat at the table eating, "Gab, God has commanded your daughter." He looked up from his plate with a smile. "My Gabriela, thats great and at 15,999 years old. What is your name?"
"Harper Marie Sins..... And it will be 16,000 tomorrow!" His smile turned into a smirk. "May God's will be done." He said it in such a monotone voice, I felt as if I had done something wrong. "Daddy what's wrong?"
"He is out of pages and the book is beginning to close, Harper Marie Sins is the last name."* * *
I woke up to a quiet home, Momma and Daddy were already at their stations. I washed up and got dressed. My best friend Eeriee was standing outside. She looked at me I could see the tears swelling in her eyes.
I hugged her ,"Hi Lynne Cho." She giggled, "Hi Harper Marie Sins." We saw Jax and his little brother Ari. "Hey little Ari, you walking Jax?" He rolled his eyes. Ari grabbed at my leg, "You promised.... You promised you be here from my 5,000 birthday. " He was so sad I had to squat down and hug him. "Im sorry Ari, baby. God says I have to go, and God comes first." He was sad but he knew that was the rule.
I looked over to Jax, he was alway quiet and angry looking. He always treated me and Eeriee like a little sisters, because he was 16,001 and we were only 16,000.
"I brought Ari to see us off." He said without looking at me his hazel eyes as mute as his tone. I nodded and we all walked to the Hall of God. It was infinite. Trimmed in Gold and crosses. We saw so many faces many we knew.
I stopped in front of a large pair of double doors. "Momma! Daddy!" They smiled and hugged me. "The 4 tributes have arrived."Tribute 1: Angelo Vendicare
Training level: Avenging angel
Human name: Venn Davis
Son of Sylvester Sins and Nanni DavisTribute 2: Jax Evangel.
Age: 16,001
Training level: Arch-angel.
Human name: Wallace Hall
Son of Wallace Hall Sr and Sara Hall "Tribute 3: Eeriee Skies.
Age: 16,000
Training level: Guardian angel.
Human name: Lynne Cho
Daughter of Tinzin Cho and Aykiki Cho"Tribute 4: Gabriela Goldenway.
Age: 16,ooo
Training level: Death angel.
Human name: Harper Marie Sin.
Daughter of Sylvester Sins and Donita Key.I rolled my eyes. Human men are so flawed and easy to temp. My dad walked in front of us with a handful of pills. Eeriee and I giggled. "These are lynk pills they link your destinies so that you can be together in some way on earth from siblings, cousins, best friends,or even spouses. If you choose to take one." We took them and said thank you in our respective native tongues. I was to be born in a small town in America, Eeriee was going to be born on a Japanese immigrant ship, and Jax was going to be born in Canada.
We took the pills hugged Ari one last time and jumped through the portal. I could hear his cries and my mother trying to soothe him. I couldn't hold the tears in any longer.I opened my eyes as I fell through a rainbow of colors and lights. My shell was cracking and the light of my soul was beginning to show, I was forgetting my native angel tongue, and names, but I held on to Ari. I fought to remember his delicate face and the way his eyes matched his halo. Not only in color but in innocence. I loved that boy more than anything in the universe. I remember caring for him when his mother and father stayed in the hospital and Jax was away at Arch Military camp. Eeriee helped me during the day and momma would take the night shift with daddy. I felt my body curling into a fetal position. My shell was completely gone now, and I felt the touch of flesh and skin, I felt a rapid beating underneath. I was clothed in human skin, now came the hard part. Being born.

Harper Sins
SpiritualStory idea: Born to destroy all On the day we cry the longest Humanity will fall The strongest made weakest And the secular shall perish. Fate's words written in permanent ink I will not relish I will not think I will only act. This is the story...