Chapter 3: The Party

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The party was in full swing, the music thumping and the energy high. Blake, still riding the adrenaline of their victory and the alcohol coursing through his veins, was the center of attention. He had just stepped away from the beer pong table to catch his breath when he noticed a girl he hadn't met before. She was standing near the kitchen, her eyes catching his. With his shirt still off and a confident smirk on his face, Blake made his way over to her.

 With his shirt still off and a confident smirk on his face, Blake made his way over to her

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"Hey there," he said, leaning against the counter. "Haven't seen you around before. I'm Blake."

"I know who you are," she replied, her eyes roving over his body. "I'm Jenna."

Blake's grin widened. "Well, Jenna, how about I get you a drink?"

He was just reaching for a bottle when he felt a firm hand on his arm. Turning, he found himself face-to-face with Savannah. She was still in her normal clothes, but there was an intensity in her hazel eyes that immediately commanded his attention.

 She was still in her normal clothes, but there was an intensity in her hazel eyes that immediately commanded his attention

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"Excuse us," Savannah said to Jenna, her voice polite but firm. "Blake?"

Blake barely had time to register what was happening before Savannah was pulling him away from the kitchen. The crowd seemed to part for them as she led him through the throng of people, her grip on his arm unyielding. Blake was too stunned to resist, his mind racing with confusion and excitement.

"Savannah, what are you—" he started, but she cut him off with a sharp look.

"Just follow me," she said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

She led him upstairs to one of the bedrooms, closing the door behind them. The noise of the party became a muffled hum, and for a moment, Blake just stared at her, trying to process what was happening. Savannah crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering.

"Not much of a party outfit. You show more skin at practice than you do here."

Savannah shook her head, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Just came from the lab. God, you've got a lot to learn. How drunk are you?"

Blake, took a step closer, his swagger returning. "I saved myself. Barely had any. Wanted to show you the treatment, no whiskey dick getting in the way." He paused, as if that was some great boast. "So, you came to the party after all. What changed your mind?"

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