Chapter 8 - Romance of a man whore

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Chapter 8 - Romance of a man whore

Indy's POV:

Its now been a week and 1/2 since i bewildered ashley, i kinda feel bad but in other ways not, and when i thought my life couldnt get any worse it did. He eneded up having to stay with us for 5 days as he is getting the windows redone in his house, lets just say dont let CC let loose with a nerf gun in which is big enough to fit potatos in.

And to pile on top of everything todays valentines day, what fun.

I was awoken with a smell of french toast, hmm french toast. i pulled myself from my pit of dispire that i had lived in since ashley came.  Wrapping my zebra blanket around me.

Slumping down each step, till i reached the bottom. My eyes layed their eyes upon the table before giving the area a which scan for anyone, nope no-one strange. Anyway frenchie toast.

OOOOOOooooo it has blueberries tooo hmmm oh strawberrys also, okay whats going on. Picking up the plate disregarding anything else i made my way back upstairs as i wandered up the stairs my hand felt something on the underneath of the plate

Shrugging my blanket of my shoulders i sat upon the bed pulling the alien object from under the plate, Realising it was a letter. It gave of an aroma of smells, i took 1 breath in, whiskey and mint, hmmm its ashley. I carefully placed my long nail underneath the envelopes joint. Pulling the letter from beneath its grasp i prepared to read it.

Park 6:30pm today, at old birk tree ;)

was all it read,  i was silently confused if it was of ashley or ben, as ben and i were the only ppl who knew about the old birk tree it was our little hiding plce when we were kids, it stood right on the edge of the pond that sat in the centre of the park, the sun set right over it and it was beautiful. See no one ever went to it or knew how to as their was a fence blocking the treed area, as they were part of some nature reserve, but we got board and stumbled upon an opening in the fence, so we made it our area. We ended up fixing the whole in the fence and placing a padlock on it so no one would get to it, only me and ben have the keys and mine is a necklace that i wear and ben's, well i dont actually know. however it had ashley's sent and hand writing, also the winky face.

well it was 3pm now so i had plenty time. I finished my toast. i stoodied my walk in wardrobe for clothes to wear. I settled on a pair of ripped jeans with a white top in which i had cut the sleeves of and stretched the neck, so it had thin starps and a wide upon neck. It had a black dream catcher on it, that had the odd blue colour here and their.  I grabbed a plain black pair of converse. Placing black hoops in everyone of my pericings and white and blue feather earrings in my lobes.

Deciding to curl my hair making loose and fixed curls. I looked in my vanity mirror doing my basic cat-eye makeup and vampire red lipstick. Placing a tiny bit of slightly tanned blush on my plale white face, blending in. Standing up i decided that something was missing so i placed my black beanie on my head that Sammi-doll had given me a few yr back, yep im done :D.

I looked at the clock realising the time,5pm. suddenly Autumn burst through ma door with ben, extremly pissed an di mean pissed.

"Its only 5pm and ur already as pissed as hell and carnt stand" i said giggling at bens unstable lifeform.

"But... okay.... Im da Batman so i can blow wateva shit up, so OMNIGOD this is not water its.... its wine.... I BLAME JESUS! HE DID THIS, i was lead to believe by a.... hmm.... Hobo bearded guy in bar, Now i knowingly know he was jesus, But he pooped rainbows how dare he lead me to believe this. i will hit him over the head with a book and no penguin woman can stop me, especially that sister.. anne someone.... but wat if they do witch-" she was cut of by being dragged down by a passe dout ben,

walking out into the nice summer breaze, yh i know its feb and its winter but seriously it was warm outside and compared to britian its like a sauna even in winter.

I reached the park, It only being 5:45. i took a stroll and stood on the bridge overlooking the whole lake, i could just see the Old birk tree, being able to make out a slight silohette. I took a pic of me overlooking the lake and tweeted it, (i change my name depending on hair colour hehe)

@RedHead_IndyB - Sitting upon the lake awaiting the valentines gift

i started heading to the 'meetting area' when my phone beggan to vibrate my buttock. i pulled it out to read a tweet from Autumn,


well, pulling my necklace of i placed in the lock, gently pushing the gate open revealing ashley, He laided on the grass upon a tartan blanket, drinking a small glass of whiskey i was guessing, he didnt release i was here,

i stuck up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes, "Boo"

I felt a smile prick at his mouth and he quickly put his arms around my thighs pulling me round an donto his lap, all thoughts of the last experience with him flew out of my mind, this is where i have wanted to be for ages and i couldnt deny it. I begin giggling on his lap, and snuggled into his neck.

"Why" i looked at him questionably

"Why you being so nice i totally disregarded ur feelings last week"

"Cause i know you didnt mean to and ashley if im brutely honest i carnt be angry at you it hurts me as well as you"

A small smile pursuded his lips, that perfect smile. I sat on his knee, when suddenly i felt a necklace be placed round my neck, His touch so gentle upon my skin.

I went and stood at the edge of the water to see the my reflection to see the newly placed addiction on my body. The necklace was, beautiful. it was two dragons, one black and one pure silver/white they sat in the shape of a heart, and inbetween them rest a red jewel in shape of a heart. It sat perfectly, the beautifully shaped metal was no bigger than 3/4 of my hands palm.

"It nearly as beautiful as you" he whispered okay thats it

i grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss, he quickly snapped a pic, just as the sun set on the water between us, i smiled into the kiss at his cheesyness.

he spun me around in a hug, and we gently placed ourselves back down upon the blanket.

@AshleyPurdy - *Pic insert here* hey look were nearly as cheesy as twilight, you guise think we could make next movie.

I laughed at him, "Hey could i ask you something, Will you be my-" i cut him of by tackeling him to the ground and placing as many kisses upon him as possible going up from his collor bone, neck to his lips again. indicating a yes to the question,

"Who would have thought that this would be the romance of a man whore" He chuckled

"Im only a man whore for you" i was confused just by how that was worked out as teh defination of man whore didnt mean he stuck to one girl but hey ill take it was a romntic one as he tryed

Herro guise hope ya all enjoyed, soz about the late update but have been busy with hmk and shit, oh also its my wattpads creation day 2mora, it will be exatly a yr since i joined wattpad :D wattpad bday for the wins :D

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