Chapter 7

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Indy's POV:

i looked down to face the water, the reflection of the moon shimmered in it, i tilted my head up to face the beautiful glowing sphere that hovered about us, and the object he compared my 'beauty' to before. I stared at it for what seemed like an eternity, just thinking, Did i truly have feelings for ashley, enough to date him, did i truly love him this whole time and just covered it up with my hatrid i showed towards him.... suddenly my thought process was broken with a ringing of a phone

i turned to face ashley to see it was his, he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it reluctantly, i sat their awaiting to see what he wanted to hide from on the other end, but i wish i hadnt....

A voice escaped his lips that had feelings in it in which i had never heard before, i couldnt put my finger on what he felt though,

"Hey babe" my eyes slowly filled with anger....

"I carnt right no i do, maybe later, keep it warm babe" the convo ended, i never heard what that slut said on the othe rside but i could guess, suddenly my anger was replaced my tears....

i tried fighting them back but as soon as his brown, chocolate eyes stared right through me i just broke down.

Ashley sat their asking questions, but i just zoned out from the world, the 1st guy i actually have feelings for happens to be a man-whore rockstar, great choice indy.... then suddenly it hit me, i have been through loads of break-ups and this guy im not even dating, so what makes this differant,

i stood up and whiped away the tears, ashley was shocked by my sudden change,

"Do you know what, ur the first guy i ever had proper feelings for, and me being stupid thought u felt the same way! but clearly got that one wrong, right after u ask me out a slut calls u up asking when ur next going to have sex with her! and dont you dare say it wasnt im not one of ur thick, plastic barbies, i actually have a brain. Your not man enough to have a relationship is that it, i tried to look past what everyone says about u but their right u are a man whore, all i wants u and it would be worng telling myself that my whole being isnt calling out for you" i walked away after releasing my stress and left ashley stunned

i went storming past everyone, when suddenly teh tears started again, everyone shouting question at me and words of concern and worry, i zoned out and ignored them all but i realised one voice not joing in which was my big bro, i went storming upstairs leaving everyone worried and just colloapsed on my bed.....

i sat their, many feelings rushing through me, but just stat their lifeless and dead almost....

suddenly a knock on the door, they gave me no time to say no, suddenly ben caming in, slowly closing the door behind him,

"You okay stripey" he sat next to be and gave me a hug, it was then and their were i broke down into his arms...........

Hope you all enjoyed havent updated in a while sorry, i have no excuse but my lazyness i will be updating more often i promise i will try, xxx oh an guys i couldnt think of a good chapter name so comment a chapter name of your own and i will name the chapter after the bset one and you also get the next chapter dedicated to uxxx

Till next time my Lil' Stripes

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