Chapter 5 - lips hold more than words...

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Chapter 5 - Lips Hold more than words...

Indy's POV:

It has been a week since my unwanted memory was created, However ashley has been by my side since, Ben and Autumns relationships been going really well, their so cute, however i havent had anytime with ether my brother or bezzie :( but today i had arranged a 'Batman day' as we call it, with Autumn. Ben was having a lad day with ash to catch up and to practice, they both have killer voices but when emerged just BOOM! magic, they just sound like so... EPIC!

Suddenly i heard a horn beep, i ran downstairs knowing that it was Autumn, see when she beeps it does the batman theme tune... hehe cool i know! I quickly ran outside to be embraced in a hug by my brother

"Hiya catwoman" he looked at me questionaly, so i explained my theory to both him and Autumn

"Well batman falls in love with catwoman and because ur dating and Autumn batman then u need to be catwoman" he smiled and Autumn giggled, i loved her laugh, i passed my 'Astronaut laugh' onto her, long story

"Well then meoww" he said in a gay voice"

"Anyway, ash is taking a shower so yh ill see ya later"

i quickly checked my bag for everything, phone, money, ipod and paracetamol (im on my period so i kinda need them otherwise i get pain crippling headaches and cramps), oh and my sugary snacks. (Im anemic so i need to carry some, it means low iron deviancy)

"Ready ma'lady" autumn said as we hooked arms

We skipped to the batmobile singing wizzard of oz, yh another inside joke

Oh i forgot to mention, it literately is THE BATMOBILE, well you see when she was 14 her and her dad took up the challenge of building a working replica of the batmobile, it took them years but she finally finished it a yr ago, and it was a lot of money well spent, now she has a cartoon batmobile tattoo that has a pic of her dad inside as a cartoon and her dad has the same one but with her to represent how they made it together, it also reads dad underneath as his does with Autumn. (Pic of car at side)

You would never be able to tell that we liked batman by the way autumn was dressed (pic at side) and the car hehe were nerds,

Autumn's POV:

We pulled up to the mall raving to 'Who let the dogs out' yh cheesy i know but hey thats who we are,

We walked in when i suddenly spotted a comic shop with batman in the window, must go

'BATMAN' i screamed as i ran as fast as my gazelles could carry me when suddenly i bumped into someone...

Indy's POV:

Autumn sprinted like a little kid, there again she is one just trapped in a big body, hehe

suddenly she bumped into someone, i looked up to see it was none other than andy from BVB, omg i havent seen him in age

"Hey bro" i shouted as i jumped into his arms

"Hey sis" yh were that close thats wat we call eachother ok

"Hey i feel leftout" i heard the puppy dog face being pulled when andy suddenly placed me down carefully,

"Aww im sorry, hugs batman" andy said reluctantly, he loved autumn just not the fact that her nickname was batman,we had a masi debate ages ago about who would be nicknamed it but bri kinda won with the batmobile

"Well wanna hangout"

"Well...." suddenly they rest of BVB emerged, besides Ashley who was with ben

"OMG we have our family back" me and bri said in unison as we group hugged,

the rest of the day went smoothly, when i suddenly started getting really bad cramps, Autmn knew how bad i got them so she knew it was time to head back, u see she had them just as bad, we called eachother pain buddies, hehe i know sad

We invited the guys back to hang,

Just as i was about to open the door i heard a load of drunk voices, oh god wats happening i thought with rage,

Autumn's POV:

i could see the range in indy's eyes and so could the guys, they knew how bitchy she got and bad mood swings when she was on, i quickly ran in first to see a disturbing sight,

The whole of asking had come over....

James, Ben, ash and Danny were all playing just dance while singing along to the words, in their extremely drunk voices, while Cameron and Sam played mr twist,

I could tell indy was about to speak when she suddenly hitched over on the floor, me guessing the pain was now killing, the pain of being a girl, ash came running over, worry filled his eyes,

between me and ash we managed to get indy upstairs, u see ash could of managed perfectly however we had to carry her in such a way so the pain wouldnt increase, yh i know confuzzling

we placed her on her bed, then i decided to leave her as i knew indy didnt like being crowed when she was on, as well as for my safety as she can become a right bitch when on, i ran downstairs to see my catwoman and to join in with the crazyness,

Indy's POV:

"You ok, im worried wats happening" ash said filled with worry, i so badly wanted to kiss him, but im anted to scream t him for being an idiot, god hormones i tell ya!

suddenly CC came upstairs,

"Shes on her period" he said like the stereotypical Englishman, quick just pissed me of, one because im British as u probs know i mean im Ben Bruce's sis, and he was taking the mic but because of i dont know why am i so a bitch


"Why yes she is a feisty one, shes a keeper man" he spoke with so much sarcasm and English-ness to make me want to kill him he ran before i could,

i could feel the parcetmols kicking in as my pain slowly decreased,

"Oh, sorry im an idiot, anything you need or-" i cut up of my kissing him, i couldnt hold back the urge, my hormones wanted it so i give them it

He was shocked at 1st then quickly kissed back, his soft warm tender lips pressed against mine, his hands snaked around me, suddenly i felt a funny tingle in my body i hadnt felt before, god i think i have feelings for him, no my body is everywhere right no, oh god im confuzzled,

i quickly pulled away, hw was awaiting eargly for my words to leave my lips of why i stopped this moment...........

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