Chapter 10

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The good guys were in a lane and Shark brought over the shoes for them.

''Here you go.'' He handed them to Wolf and Pirahna.

''Thanks amigo.'' Pirahna said happily putting them on.

''So, when is Diane going to show up?'' Asked Webs getting ready to play.

''I think anytime now, she texted me saying she was on her way.'' Wolf said putting on his shoes.

''Hey guys.'' They heard.

''Diane!'' They all greeted as she came over and sat down putting on her own shoes.

''I'm here.'' She giggled and stood up.

''About time, I was worried I'd have to take on the boys all by myself.'' Webs smiled.

''Nah, we got this.'' Diane smiled as she grabbed a ball.

Wolf smirked as she came over. ''You sure? You forget I use to be known as the best bowler.'' He bragged.

''Sure, of what?'' Diane teased as she went over and put in her name.

''Ok, so we are doing teams, right?'' Asked Snake.

''Yeah, me and Snake, Shark and Pirahna, and Diane and Webs.'' Wolf said.

''You guys are on!'' They all shouted.

Webs went first and got a strike. ''Woo hoo take that!''

''Great one Webs.'' Diane and her high fived.

''Now it's your turn babe.'' Wolf said sitting down.

Diane grins as she grabbed her ball and bowled hitting all of them in a perfect strike and turns grinning.

''Beat that.'' She giggles as she sat down.

''Oh, I will.'' Wolf stood up and bowled getting a strike as well.

''See you're not the only one.'' He winks sitting next to her and placed his arm around her.

''You just got lucky.'' She giggled.

''You know, I seem to be getting that a lot lately.'' He said turning her head and kissing her.

Diane giggles and kisses back her arms around him.

''Please get a room you two.'' Snake shot back as he went.

They pulled apart and blushed laughing, his arm around her back.

None of them knew they were being watched.

Nolan didn't like being rejected like that, he wanted to be with Diane, so he decided to follow her and see what Wolf had that he lacked. He went to the bowling alley and sat at the bar in the far corner away from everyone but could see the Diane and the good guys.

He saw Diane laughing as she sat down sliding next to Wolf who wrapped his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss. He frowns squeezing his glass of whisky watching them.

Shark and Pirahna were tied with Snake and Wolf. ''We have a tie!'' Shark said excitedly.

''Yeah, but us girls are still beating you badly.'' Webs said laughing as she went and got another strike.

''And that is a game.'' Pirahna said.

''Anybody up for another round?'' Asked Diane.

''Nah, I'm good I'm actually tired.'' Pirahna said getting ready.

''Me to catch ya later.' Shark said.

''Actually, I'm turning in as well, I got a call date with Fiona.'' Snake said as he looked at the time.

''I'll go with.'' Webs said leaving.

''How are you guys getting back?'' Asked Wolf.

''I got us a ride.'' Webs said as they left leaving Wolf and Diane alone.

''Well, want to go for another round?'' Diane asked.

''Sure, besides I have to follow you anyway.'' He joked.

''Really? Your free to go anytime.'' She said playfully.

''Yeah, and leave you alone? No way, you're stuck with me.'' Wolf said as he took off his jacket suit wearing a dark blue muscle t-shirt as he bowled and got all but one.

''SO CLOSE!'' He shouted and sat down.

''I know but hey not bad.'' Diane giggled and bowled getting a strike.

''You're really trying to outdo me huh?'' Wolf laughed standing up.

''You could say that, or you were trying to impress your friends.'' Diane smiled.

''Our friends but nah they know me too well, and strange they left us alone.'' He said chuckling.

''Well, they know how much we value our alone time, and it is late.'' She said bowling.

''Never too late with you.'' Wolf said.

Later Wolf had won by one point, and they sat on the benches. ''Awesome game my vixen.''

''Same my wolf.'' She smiles as they lean in and share a kiss.

Nolan watched this and was upset. He wanted Wolf out of the way. 'All things come to those who wait.' He told himself watching the couple pick up their shoes.

He knew something was going to happen between the two after all, Diane was the one behind the robberies and he knew Wolf wouldn't take it lightly. Nolan finished his drink and left.

Once Wolf and Diane left, they got in the car and took off to their home.

Meanwhile back at the lair, Shark and Pirahna were watching tv, while Snake was looking over the Newpaper as Webs came over.

''What you up to Snake?'' She asked.

''I'm trying to see if I can find anything on this robbery. I know Diane is stressed and I would like to help her find this bad guy, but so far nothing a clean area.'' He said.

''Well, maybe you should find the witness who saw the robber.'' Webs said.

''Yeah, I might can you look up who it was and where they live?'' Asked Snake.

''Why?'' Asked Webs.

''I want to get all the facts. If this is a new bad guy, I want to be able to take him in and clear our names, most think we are still the bad guys.'' Snake said.

''Alright let's go to my room.'' Webs said as they went in and looked up some stuff on the robberies.

Wolf and Diane make it back to the home and went inside shutting the door.

''This was a fun night.'' Diane giggled.

''Isn't it always a fun night when I'm around?'' Wolf flirted.

''Sure, if you say so.'' Diane sat on the couch turning on the tv and watching the news.

Wolf took off his clothes being only in his boxers while Diane took off her clothes and placed on a white tank top and short night shorts.

''Dang, you look hot.'' He complimented.

''Thanks, I try.'' She winks and giggles as she was pinned to the couch and Wolf over her.

''Sly Wolf.''

''Tempting fox.'' He replied.

They leaned in making out as he pulls her up and held her close.

Nolan saw this from his car and took off still upset. He decided to check on the good guys, he had a feeling Snake who was the worst bad guy wouldn't give up that easily.


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