Episode Six: Moon's Secret

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As they ate lunch (Rayla found them real food, thankfully), Ezran and Ellis have both bomardded Sierra with questions. Questions were asked (Who are your parents? How long did you live in the village? Why are you helping us?), but Sierra was overwhelmed with the questions and didn't answer the two kids.
"Wow, you guys talk fast," remarked Gren.
Rayla wasn't sure what to make of it, while Callum sighed and stopped eating.
"Okay you two, let her answer your questions." Sierra sighed in relief and threw a grateful look towards Callum.
"Thanks mate." Sierra sighed in relief and smiled at Callum.
"You're right, Callum." Ezran gave Sierra a sheepish smile. "Sorry."
"It's okay." Sierra smiled softly at Ezran and Ellis. "For your first question, my mother was a woman named Daphne (Lujanne's eyes widened when she heard that), but my father is unknown." Sierra sighed sadly and collected herself with her confusing feelings regarding her father.
Ibis bit back a gasp. There's a lot of girls named Daphne. Maybe the girl's mother is just one of them. No. He's not getting his hopes up.
"Me and my mother both lived in the village since I was six or seven years old." Sierra became thoughtful as she tried to find a decent way of explaining her alliance to them. "I want to help you all, because I'm getting tired of this endless circle of war and violence between the Kingdoms of Humanity and Xadia." She chuckled as Zym jumped onto her lap and gently petted him. "And Zym will stop all of that."
Sierra's words had filled salt into the wound that has been made between Humankind and Xadians. She and her friends are the living examples of hope and peace between Humanity and Xadians.
"Sierra?" Everyone looked at Lujanne, who is watching them with a serious expression and her teal eyes were unfathomable like the ocean. "Can you meet me in the Moon Temple tonight?"
Sierra blinked in surprise and glanced at the others, who also looked confused. She soon looked back at Lujanne. "Umm... Sure."
Everyone exchanged glances at Lujanne's mysterious words. Except Team Zym seemed familiar with it, but they were unsure of how the others will take it.
When night has fallen upon the Cursed Caldera, Sierra headed towards the Moon Temple, knowing that Lujanne will be there. The building was all silver, with a half dozen sparkling spires and grand gazebos nestled into the grounds. Everything was surrounded by a moat and waterfalls.
She went up hundreds of shimmering stairs, across the moat. She entered the temple through central atrium, where light shone through moon-shaped windows illuminating green garlanded archways. Butterflies glided gently along. The towering walls of the atrium were made of granite, and hundreds of runes had been etched into them.
The ethereal beauty astonishes her, and she slowed down her pace at the beautiful sight of the temple she's inside.
Sounds of amazement and awe could be heard from everyone.
Sierra soon found Lujanne sitting in the atrium, mediating. Sierra may be restless at times, but she learned how to slow down and calm herself with the nature around her.
"Umm... Lujanne?" Sierra looked at the Moon mage uncertainly. "I'm sorry for interrupting you."
"If wisdom is what you seek, I shall do my best to fake it," said Lujanne. Then she giggled and stood up. "That's an old illusionist joke."
Everyone exchanged confused and slightly amused looks.
"Right." Sierra looked a little confused by the joke. "You told me to come and meet you. But why?"
"Sierra, look at the moon," Lujanne said.
Obediently, Sierra gazed out a window at the partially covered moon.
"Light only falls on half its face right now, but that doesn't mean the other half isn't there," said Lujanne. "And it is the same with — there are parts you keep hidden."
"But why would I have to stop hiding the truth?" asked Sierra.
"Real trust is about accepting even the dark parts we will never know," Lujanne replied.
"Some parts are hidden while others have come to the light," spoke up Sierra.
Sierra looked down. "No, I don't think that's right. Lying and hiding the truth aren't different. Strong bonds needed honesty — the complete truth."
Lujanne chuckled. "Oh, now you sound like my first four husbands." She looked at Sierra in the eye, bathed in the moonlight. "I'm glad my wisdom helped." Lujanne gave her playful wink. But the Moon mage's expression became serious. "But now, I think it's time for me to reveal the truth to you."
Everyone (except Team Zym) perked up curiously when Lujanne mentioned that.
Sierra perked up. "The truth?"
Lujanne has gotten up and placed a gentle hand on Sierra's shoulder. "Come with me."
Lujanne led Sierra away from the temple and to the caldera spread out in front of them. It's an enormous circular crater filled with sparkling blue water. The caldera was a miracle of nature. The clear blue water shimmered in pink and orange in the waning afternoon light. Something about it reminded Sierra of the moon.
But when she looked up, Sierra soon saw something astonishing in the sky.
It was so beautiful. It was barely evening, but the stars started to sparkle brightly in the night sky like distant diamonds. The sky is like deep sapphire blue velvet that sparkled with the beautiful stars overhead. As the clouds cleared, a silver circle of the moon had also appeared in the night sky and had casted its soft silvery beams of light over the land.
Sounds of amazement and awe could be heard from everyone.
"Sierra." She blinked back into focus and looked at Lujanne curiously. "Do you know what beings could perform magic?"
"Yes." Sierra sat up and looked at the mage in confusion. "Elves and dragons, right?"
Many of the dragons knew what they were talking about. But some of the elves puffed up in pride at the mention of their magic, much to the humankind's jealousy. But some of the humans hated Dark Magic as much as Team Zym does.
"Not exactly," said Lujanne. "Perian were born from the union of a human and an elf, with traits of both. In the old days of when Xadia was united, there were almost as many of them as elves, but today there are only a handful left."
Everyone started murmuring softly at the mention of the rare flenimu. There was like a few dozen left in the world, but the laws regarding the flenimu are extremely serious.
"And what do they look like and why have I never met any?" Sierra asked curiously. "They are half human, I guess some should live here too?"
"You said your mother's name is Daphne, right?" Lujanne gazed at Sierra with a secretive expression.
Ibis's heart constricted as Lujanne mentioned his beautiful Daphne, his beloved partner.
"Yes." Sierra never felt so confused and curious before. "Why?"
Lujanne stepped towards the lake. "As you know once, Xadia was one country, but then people discovered cruelty, dark magic. The Dragon King ordered them to abandon these practices, but they refused, blinded by greed. A war followed, which ancient mages almost lost. But thanks to the help of Perian, the elves managed, my ancestors have won. As a reward for the sacrifice they made, they were allowed to stay in Xadia."
"What do they look like?" asked Sierra, burning with curiosity.
"Well, a lot are like humans at times and many look like elves. Though, at times, there can be a mix of both," Lujanne explained. "But the best part is that they are connected to the original source."
"How come we haven't heard of them before?" Marcos asked curiously.
"You'll see," replied Sierra secretively.
"Why haven't I've ever heard of them?" Sierra stepped next to Lujanne.
"The answer is very simple and sad at the same time," continued Lujanne. "For a perian to be born, one parent must be an elf and the other human, or both parents are flenimu. If, on the other hand, a perian bonds with an elf, there is a very slim chance that a perian will be born, usually an elf is born. After the division of Xadia, unions between humans and elves were forbidden and severely punished by the Dragon King himself. That's why there are so few of them left."
"Whoa, that's bad." Soren flinched back sympathetically.
"Don't worry, I'll shall lift that law," said Queen Zubeia comfortingly.
Sierra sighed in relief. "Thank you Your Majesty."
"Okay?" Sierra tilted her head slightly as she gazed at the Moon Mage. "But why are you telling me this?"
Sierra gulped, nervous about everyone's reactions towards her family's secret story.
"We are just getting to the part of the story that concerns you, Sierra," said Lujanne.
"Me?" Sierra looked at Lujanne, completely lost.
"Fifteen years ago, a woman has came to me and introduced herself as Daphne," Lujanne started to explain.
Sierra's eyes widened. "That was my mother!"
"She was?" Sierra bowed her head and looked at the shimmering waters mournfully, not answering the Moon Mage's question regarding her fallen mother. Lujanne placed her hand gently on Sierra's shoulder. She gave it a little squeeze, hoping to provide a sense of comfort. "I'm so sorry."
Sierra looked down from everyone's eyes, she doesn't want anyone's pity. She felt herself stiffened in surprise when she felt Callum hold her hand, Ezran patted her shoulder gently, Zym gently rubbed her arm, and Rayla gave Sierra a warm embrace. She slowly felt her loneliness ebbing away from her heart.
Sierra let out a rough sigh and gazed at Lujanne. "Why did she come here?"
"She had a baby in her arms, she asked me to put an illusion on her," explained Lujanne.
Sierra was stunned with realization. "That baby was me?"
Lujanne nodded. "I've enchanted the moonstone bracelet to hold the spell."
"Can you remove the illusion spell?" asked Sierra desperately. "I want to see the part of me that has been hidden from me for too long. I want to accept that unknown part of myself."
Many of the elves and humans were stunned by Sierra's boldness to find the secret part of herself that has remained hidden till now.
Lujanne smiled at Sierra. "Of course my dear. It won't hurt you, I promise."
Lujanne started tracing a shimmering rune shape in the air. As her fingertips moved, arcs of light formed, creating the silvery glowing curves of the ancient, powerful symbol over Sierra's bracelet.
"Removere Speciem."
All at once, the shiny rune disappeared and the spell happened. A silvery whirlwind started blowing all around Sierra. Instead of panicking, she continued staying strong in her spot. The silvery glow vanished while the bracelet slipped off of Sierra's wrist. Everyone watched as Sierra's human illusion vanishing before their eyes.
Many people gasped at the sight of the young flenimu.
Sierra looked down at the lake and was stunned by the face that she was staring at. If she wasn't wearing the same clothes she had on, she could have sworn she was staring at a completely different person. Sierra's human features remained, but new elven features has been added to her. Her sandy hair is now streaked in bright periwinkle blue, and her arms has small patches of dark blue and white runic markings. On her face is various white markings and arrow-like markings stretching over her upper arms. A pair of curvy horns have appeared on both sides of her head, though her ears have become sharp and elven-like.
"Whoa, I did not see that coming," remarked Soren.
"That was amazing," Marcos said.
"That's me?" Sierra was clearly stunned when she saw the reflection of herself. She looked at Lujanne, tears of joy and relief streaked down from her face. "Thank you Lujanne." Sierra bowed her head to the Moon mage gratefully. "Thank you."
"You're must welcome Sierra." Lujanne placed some moon pieces on the bracelet and gave it to Sierra. "You don't need the illusion anymore. But hold on to it in your time of need."
"That was kind of you," signed Amaya.
"Thank you Lujanne." Sierra bowed her head to the Moon Mage gratefully and slipped her bracelet away into her pocket.
"You're most welcome my dear." Lujanne smiled at Sierra warmly. "Before you take off, your mother told me to give this to you." Sierra was given a parchment scroll by Lujanne. Sierra turned the scroll over carefully. It was stamped with a blue seal of the Sky symbol and tied by a blue ribbon. "I was asked to give this to you by your mother in case you ever did come up here."
It was such a strange sensation — holding on to these unread words. But Sierra knew she was just fooling herself. Her mother has been dead for four years even if Sierra had never read the letter.
"Thank you." Sierra smiled at the Moon Mage, feeling grateful that she helped her and her mother.
When they both returned to the others, they were amazed by Sierra's new appearance. Especially Zym.
Zym tackled the girl with affection, giving her zappy kisses and jumped onto her shoulders, nuzzling her happily and making Sierra laughed at the adorable baby dragon. 
"That was fun," remarked Sierra with an amused smirk.
"Wow Sierra." Ezran was marveling Sierra's true form. "Sierra, you look good as...?" Ezran scratched his head and looked at Lujanne in confusion.
"Sierra is a Sky Perian, a combination of an elf and a human," explained Lujanne.
"But her mom was a human." Ezran couldn't stop looking at Sierra's new form in amazement.
"Not everyday that happens," said Sierra.
"Yes, but you can see Sierra's father is a Skywing Elf," said Lujanne.
"That's amazing!" exclaimed Callum, his eyes wide with amazement.
"You could say that again," Rayla agreed with an amused smile. "At least that explains why Zym likes you."
Sierra watched as Ellis braided her hair and used her brown hair tier to seal the deal on her left hair bang, sidelong braid.
"Thanks Ellis," Sierra smiled at the younger girl.
"You're welcome," squealed Ellis.
"Sierra." The two girls turned to see Lujanne approaching them. She was gently carrying a black feather that's shining dark blue in the sun. "This was your father's feather. Your mother wanted me to give this to you."
Even though he was unable to see his wife and daughter, Ibis felt happy to see that his wife still wants him part of his daughter's life.
Sierra bowed her head to Lujanne and Ellis. "Thank you. Both of you." She watched as Lujanne gently placed the Skywing Elf's feather into the Sky Perian girl's braid, making Sierra smile softly at the sight of the feather and accepting it as a part of herself too.
All Sierra could hear was the pounding of her heart. She was vaguely aware of the others staring open-mouthed at the sight before them, not that she blamed them of course. She was having a hard time believing it as well. Although, her logical mind was telling her that this situation was impossible, her heart longed for it to be true.
The next thing they knew, they were hugging each other, Ibis started crying quietly in happiness and squeezing the life out of Sierra, while she buried her face into his chest. He couldn't even comprehend all the emotions flying around inside him, but one thing was clear; he finally found his daughter and he would protect her with everything he had. He tightened his grip, wishing he could project every love and affection into Sierra, so she could understand how much he loved her. 
"I'm glad that you have survived," Ibis whispered to Sierra. "But I can imagine how difficult it must of been."
"Credit goes to Mom and Lujanne." Sierra took out her enchanted bracelet and showed it to her Dad.
"I should have known," whispered Ibis.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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