♧ Prolouge : Just a child

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◇TOYA POV◇ current age : 6 (Past)

I had just finished a massive 3 hours worth of homeschooling
It sucked but father didnt want people at school to see the said bruises around my arms for when he hits them with a stick.

Now it was time for the most...scary part of the day.

Piano lessons

Lessons from my father himself, most would think it's good to have a parent as a mentor or teacher but for me it was the exact opposite.

When I first wanted to play the piano it was really fun, until father took it to seriously. Now i dread lessons.

My train if thought snapped when my father called my name. Its time


"Coming father..." I mumble with a sigh, I quickly made my way to the music room before he could say anything else.

Father was scary...I didnt wsnt him to he mad, only proud...but I cant... why not..? Is my best not enough for him...


It's now been at least 6 hours...I think...

I'm tired...my wrists are bruised and red, I keep getting the same note wrong...I haven't eaten yet...or actually...I havent eaten at all.

My wrists are throbbing...my head hurts...my fingers feel numb..my stomach aches...I havent eaten

I just keep going...

And going...

And going...

I...I have to make father proud!! He would like that! I'll get this note right then he'll be proud...



"My lord finally, it's just a simple note Toya. You need to get better. You disappoint me as a son. And a musician."

"Go to your room and review your music sheet notes. Now Toya."

I made it to my room and was holding back tears the entire time I was in there.

Why is father so cruel...why cant I do anything right...?!!





I started crying now, my tears were rolling down my small face as I tried wiping then quickly but theh kept pouring down like a waterfall.

Why cant I impress him?! Even a bit?

He keeps that stupid serious look on his face every time!!!

Every...single time...

I threw a pillow at my wall in anger...it was soft so it didnt make a lot of noise for my father to come barging in.

I was just a child...so why?!

Just a 6 year old wanting to earn his fathers approval...

Just...a child.

I sighed as I slid down my closed room door in absolute defeat.

I should face it now.

Theres no way father would ever recognize, acknowledge or be proud of me...no knew ever will.

And I should accept that now...

Cause it's a fact...

And facts cant be changed.

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