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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆

It had been a whirlwind of a day for Shy and Yanna. Just twenty-four hours prior, they welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Luxury, into the world. As the sun began to set and the soft glow of the nursery light filled the small room, the reality of being parents started to sink in. The exhaustion was palpable, but excitement coursed through their veins like an electric current.

Yanna, with her wild curls cascading down her shoulders, looked over at Shy, who was diligently rocking the newborn in her arms. "Can you believe we actually did it?" Yanna asked, her voice a mix of amazement and disbelief.

Shy smirked, her eyes gleaming with love as she replied, "Honestly? I thought we might just end up in a straight jacket by now." They both laughed, the sound of which brought a sense of warmth to the room.

Being two women in a loving marriage didn't mean their journey into parenthood was without its challenges. They had faced skepticism, questions, and plenty of unsolicited advice from everyone around them. But none of that mattered now. They had their little Luxury, named for her undeniable sparkle and the promise of endless adventures ahead.

As the clock ticked past midnight, the once peaceful night took a turn. Luxury let out a wail that echoed through the house, shattering the momentary calm. "Oh, for the love of... Not now, little lady!" Yanna exclaimed, her voice a blend of exasperation and tenderness.

"You take her; I'm still recovering from the marathon of labor," Shy quipped, playfully nudging Yanna with her elbow.

"Thanks a lot, you've really stepped up here," Yanna shot back, rolling her eyes but nonetheless scooping Luxury from Shy's arms. As she cradled the tiny bundle, Yanna whispered sweet nothings to the baby, doing her best to soothe her cries.

Shy couldn't help but grin at her wife, who was now in full-on mom mode. "You know, I didn't sign up for an all-night concert, especially not with a diva who's only one day old," she chuckled.

"Oh, shut up," Yanna replied, shaking her head. "This is payback for all those late-night Netflix binges we had... I take it back, I want our sleep back!"

Luxury continued to whimper, and Shy bit her lip to suppress a laugh. "Should we call her grandma or something? Maybe she'll know how to handle this situation a bit better," Shy suggested jokingly, but there was a hint of seriousness in her tone.

As if summoned by the baby's cries, the doorbell rang, echoing through the house. "Now what?" Yanna huffed, while shaking her head.

"Um, we don't have time for guests. We just had a freaking baby!" Shy replied, rolling her eyes.

"Who the hell is it? A rogue pizza delivery?!" Yanna called out, moving towards the door with Luxury still in her arms and a scowl on her face.

When the door opened, there stood their best friend, Mia, bearing gifts and looking far too cheerful for an ungodly hour. "Surprise! I brought coffee, energy snacks, and the best part... nightlight therapy!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm a stark contrast to the exhaustion radiating from the couple.

"Holy shit, you're a lifesaver," Shy said, stepping aside to let Mia in.

Mia quickly unpacked her haul, ignoring the chaos unfolding around them. "Alright, ladies, I'm here to rescue you. I'll take over the baby duties while you two take a breather," she announced confidently.

"Wait, you're going to babysit Luxury? You've barely handled one," Yanna teased, raising an eyebrow.

"Please, I've had a ton of practice with other people's kids. This is a fucking piece of cake," Mia replied with bravado.

Shy and Yanna exchanged skeptical glances, but the thought of taking a moment to breathe was almost too tempting. They plopped onto the couch, exhausted but elated, watching Mia carefully rock their baby.

As the night wore on, laughter, love, and a few well-placed curses filled their home. Shy and Yanna reflected on how their lives had changed in a single day. They may have started this journey with trepidation, but it was clear that love was the magic they needed to navigate the sleepless nights ahead.

In that moment, they had all they needed: each other, their fierce friendship with Mia, and the promise of adventures with their little Luxury. Life was a beautiful mess, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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