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Since we moved to LA robins favourite thing has became his Xbox even though when we lived in Colorado he would never use it especially when I was there unless we where watching a movie but now all he wants to do is play Xbox with Billy

Griffin didn't like it either since now when he stayed at Billy's house all he done at night was watch Billy play Xbox with Robin

I got up and walked to my room


"Yeah?" Robin said turning on his Xbox

"Can't you take a break from playing Xbox for one day"

"Yeah I could but what else am I going to do"

"Go out you have friends here"

"Whenever I try to do other things you complain so I'd rather sit in here and play Xbox"

"How do I make it a big thing"

"You complain"

"What do I complain about?"

"You complain how I never clean except I do"

"Robin you choose outrageous times to clean the house"

"I'm still cleaning, you complain about how I cook"

"Your messy"

"But I make good food"

"I know you do"

"Exactly so let me be messy when I'm cooking and I'll clean it up"

"Yeah at like 3am"

"Also we can't do anything because gwens here and whenever I try to do something you complain"

"Okay what am I ament to do stop inviting her to keep you happy"

"No just stop babying her" Robin said sitting on the bed

"Robin she only stays for a week you can survive us not doing couple things for a week" I said

"Yeah she stays for a week then literally the minute she leaves you guys are already arranging for her to come back? Meaning if we wanted to do something we can't because Gwen is coming over and you don't want to leave her here alone or that time we were going to a restaurant for a date and you told me like 10 minutes before we were leaving that Gwen was coming"

"She's my little sister who literally cried when I left and cried even more when you were also leaving"

"Why are you making it out to seem I'm the bad guy because I don't want to babysit your sister"

"We aren't baby sitting her?"

"Maybe you don't feel that way but I do"

"Okay well sorry but I'm going to continue inviting her"


I just walked out and seen Gwen standing there looking as if she was about to break down so I just pulled her into a hug assuming she listen to what me and Robin were saying

Once i managed to calm down Gwen we where sitting in the living room watching a movie of gwens choice, she heard everything and thought Robin didn't like her anymore

Robin hadn't left the room since i left but you could tell he was in there by the amount of noise there was from the tv but you couldn't actually hear him

"Gwen one minute I'm going to go check on Robin" I said getting up and Gwen just nodded then I left

Even tho Robin was basically better I still worried about him a lot, he would still joke around saying that he was going to commit and he has made it clear that he isn't going to but I felt like I had to worry about him even if he was being a bitch

I walked into the room and seen that Robin had fell a sleep, I smiled at him before turning the Xbox and tv off then I walked over to Robin taking his headset off and putting that away then I moved the controller off the bed

I laid him down and pulled the covers up then i kissed his head which accidentally woke him up

"What are you doing?" Robin mumbled rubbing his eye

"You fell asleep dear" I said softly

Robin groaned turning onto his other side pulling the covers up more, I laughed a bit before saying "are you going back to sleep robin" and I could just slightly hear him "mhm"

I smiled before walking out to join Gwen in the living room to continue the movie

After that movie we watched another one then another one till Gwen got tired and went to bed so I had done the same except when I got in to bed, Robin didn't want to sleep

"Robin you can stay awake but I'm going to sleep" I said pushing him away

"Why?" He asked which felt like the 100th time he asked why

"If you ask why one more time I'm going to kill you"

Robin just moved closer "go away Robin" instead of going away he just kissed me

Robin eventually pulled away "your so annoying" I said

"Yet you still love me"


Robin gasped which I found hilarious

"Wow you can go to sleep now bitch" Robin said moving away while I was still laughing

So I did go to sleep


Shorter chapter but I found out i actually have covid but it's pretty bad so posts might be slow till im better 🙏

865 words

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