A week has past. We noticed two packs of Catah that hunt in this general area, around the mountains. There was three. Was. We've sort of broken into hunting groups. Each group has four people in it. I'm with Winter, Matt and Sara. We work great as a team. I am the only one with a gun, but we have also crafted some spears and hunting knives. I found a new T-shirt in The Last City, and finally replaced my ripped one. No jackets or anything through. There was never any need because of the heat-dome. Rachel still hasn't come back yet, and I'm worried she's not ok, but I refuse to think the worst. Otherwise, there's not much new. Now it's time for hunting. We split off into our groups, and walk off in separate ways. To the left of the mountains is a thick dense Forrest, where Cato, Nick, Lance and Charlotte head off. Andrés, Lara and Hazel go to see if they can salvage anything from The Last City, which is on the edge of the Forrest, in fount of the mountains, while my group explore the plains of snow.
We walk for a while, talking because there's not much else to do, when I finally find something. It's an old sign. Half of it is sticking out of the ground.
"Hey, guys. I think I've found something," I say. They turn, and see the sign. It's rusted metal, it must be really old. I reach down and pick it up. It's big enough. I wipe dirt, rust and snow off until I can read what it says.Welcome to Telluride, Colorado
Population 7,846It has two bent, rusted metal poles on either side, like one of those road signs. This must of been a town. We start to dig away the layers of snow until we find the roof of a house underneath us. We keep digging for hours until we have finally reached the door. I look up and see an old broken house towering above me, meters high.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" I ask.
"Nothing, let's go," says Sara.
I yank on the door until it creaks open.
"Ladies first?"
"Not today," says Winter.
I step inside. It's very dark, the only light coming from the outside. The windows are covered up with layers of snow, so nothing can be seen.
"Will this help?" Asks Sara, holding up a torch. She turns it on. I can see we're in some kind of lounge room. There is a hallway to my left, with doors and rooms breaking off on each side. The rotting wood planks creak with each step. The wooden walls now decay under meters of snow. Matt steps in front of me, heading towards the hallway, treading lightly to avoid creaks, but it's not working. Suddenly a wooden floorboard flips as he steps on it, leaving his leg stuck knee high in a hole, but after some trouble he pulls it free.
"Wow, the floor just tried to kill me! What next?" He says grinning, like that was a good thing. And as if on queue, the hallways' roof collapses behind him. I can't help but smirk.
"I think you jinxed yourself," I say.
"Yeah, well, all this place needs now are some horror serial killers with chainsaws and I'll know I'm in some kind of messed up horror movie."
I look around and see a small bump under the rug with the coffee table. I reach down and pull away the rug. The coffee table has wheels, so it just rolls away. There's a cut out square, with hinges and a lock.
"You've got to be kidding me! First the floor tries to kill me, then the hallway just so happens to collapse as soon as I say "what next", and now there's a trap door, probably leading down to a secret bunker, or serial killers with chainsaws; or worse, a secret bunker with an army of serial killers with chainsaws!"
"There's only one way to find out," Sara says with a smile.
"Now, if only there was a way to open it. . ." I say, curious to what is actually down there.
"I'm leaving, you guys are crazy," Matt announces, while pretending to walk out the door.
"Maybe we could use one of those serial killers with chainsaws; I could definitely use the chainsaws. . . Not that I've ever used a chainsaw before, but it would help," Winter comes in. I do my best impression of revving up a chainsaw, along with chainsaw sounds. We laugh. Then, in silence, we try to think of a way to open the lock. An hour later, we have come up with nothing, so I get up and pull the handle on the floor, and it just swings open to reveal a tunnel leading down, with a ladder. It wasn't locked at all.
We climb down the ladder in single file, and I can't see the bottom, but to be honest I can't see anything in here without the light of the torch to guide me (I'm just trying to make it sound a lot deeper than it actually is).
Science FictionTHE LAST GAMES: PROJECT PANDORA B O O K O N E "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." -Anonymous * * * Ian doesn't know it yet, b...