[ 026 ] the way i love you

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chapter twenty-six
the way i love you

Alyssa sat with her mother in Laenyra's nursery. The corridors of Dragonstone are quiet, night is approaching and that's clear. Lisi sat with her legs crossed beneath her, turning her marital ring around her finger in everlasting circles. Rhaenyra giggled as Laenyra sat in her lap, the grandmother was making the dragons fight and creating stories that Laenyra watched with excitement. Lisi remembered the stories, it made her heart ache for her youth. She remembered helping with Luke, her hand curled tighter into the blue blanket that Laenyra has now. 

Laenyra tossed her hands in the air screeching in happiness when Rhaenyra tickles her side with the head of a dragon. Lisi smiled softly, her daughter's laughter and smile warming her heart. She gazed softly at Laenyra's tiny features, her big purple eyes filled with so much innocence that it almost hurt. 

"You feel sad about Laegor." Nyra observed, her head tilted to the side slight, "It is understandable. I apologise for not being there for you."

Alyssa waited a minute before replying, was it truly alright? Rhaenyra couldn't of known that Laegor would die, and everyone's sure it was natural causes. Her mind was at odds, but she didn't want to put her mother into a state of more guilt, "It's alright. You could not of known."

"I know, but you are my daughter, little dragon." Lisi's eyes cast downwards at the familiar nickname, it has been so long since she's been called that. Instead of making her sad, it restored something in her heart that she thought was lost. A sense of youth. Everyone, herself included, seems to forget she's only fifteen and has been thrust into a life of politics and war. She's spent fifteen years alive and has suffered more than men of above the age of eighty. Alyssa lost her childhood when she found out she was pregnant, new responsibilities were given to her and it is cruel. It's not only cruel on herself but cruel on her daughter because Lisi is not ready to be a mother and now that she is, the love she feels for her child is not what a mother should feel. 

The Princess smiled gently, "Thank you, Mummy."

Rhaenyra sighed, cupping Lisi's cheek with her hand, "My sweet girl. My only daughter." Alyssa nuzzled into her mother's soft touch, comfort swelling in her chest. Nyra smiled gently, her mind flickering back to the night after Harwin's death when they first arrived at Dragonstone and Lisi slept in her mother's arms like a child. Rhaenyra remembered how small she was, how tiny she was in her arms. She remembers how pleased the realm was. Everything about Alyssa was incredible and now she's almost sixteen.

The door opens slowly and Jace peeks his head into the nursery, brows raised in thought, "Ah, there are my girls." He grinned, beaming from ear-to-ear, "Mother, I didn't see you there." Despite his surprise, he still smiled. Jace kissed Lisi's head and then his mother's cheek and Laenyra's little head before removing his sword belt and sitting down around the mat. 

Laenyra instantly opens her arms for her father, trying to get to him. The father giggled, taking his daughter from his own mother's arms and lifting her into the air. She squealed in excitement, giggling at the same time. Lisi smiled from ear-to-ear as her husband kissed Laenyra's little neck, making her squeal/giggle. It was the most adorable noise, and her laughter was something you could never get enough of. 

"Hello, little dragon." Jace sighed, resting her into his lap, placing a toy into her hands, "I have just come from the Dragonmont. Both of the eggs hatched, one female dragon and one male dragon." Lisi's brows dipped, "Laenyra's is female, Laegor's is male. They're magnificent, Lisi. Lae's is sapphire with golden scales and underbelly and Laegor's... purple, gorgeous. I thought you could name them, mayhaps, until they're old enough to name them... or Laenyra is at least." Lisi only hoped Lae would look after her brother's egg. Laegor was only alive for a short while but Alyssa planned to always tell Lae about him as she grew.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒, 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 , house of the dragonWhere stories live. Discover now