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Nick had woken up before anybody else, she couldn't remember anything after getting more drinks for her and Minho. 

There was a light snoring coming from Minho’s hammock and shuffling from Newt’s as he moved around. 

Quietly she pulled on her boots and made her way out the homestead. It was earlier than when Newt had woken her up before so it was still dark outside. 

Nick walked over to the gardens looking down at the weeds that were already coming through, she needed to think of something to stop that. 

Making her way over to the kitchen she had another idea, it was like her mind had already thought of these ideas before she was in the maze. 

In the kitchen she looked around for a spray bottle, vinegar, salt and washing up liquid. Once she had found everything she got to work. 

She filled the spray bottle three quarters full before adding a small amount of washing up liquid then filled the rest of it with salt. Shaking the bottle, Nick made sure that everything had mixed together before she made her way over to the gardens. 

On the bottle she stuck a small note reading Ask Nick before use. 

Nick left the bottle in the gardens before walking towards the wall. The sun was just beginning to rise as she climbed up the vines towards the top. 

On the top she looked around seeing the walls all connecting to each other along with gaps between some where the walls separated. 

Slowly she began to walk along the walls that made the glade, she watched as the sun illuminated her steps as it rose. 

‘I'm not allowed in the maze but surely if no one saw me it wouldn't matter.’ 

Nick stopped walking when she came across a wall that would lead her into the maze, she looked back into the Glade knowing she had a little longer till they started to wake up. 

Hesitantly she took a step onto the connecting wall and then another before she started running along them. A smile took over her face, she felt free. 

The sound of metal teeth got her to stop running and look down into the darkness of the maze. Around the corner she could see a Griever making its way somewhere. 

She began to follow it being careful to not get its attention as she didnt want any of the boys to hear her screams and find out she was in the maze. 

‘Why don't you come out in the morning?’ 

*4th wall breaking*

“Wait a minute you went into the maze?” Alby looked at Nick unimpressed. 

“Nooo.” She moved over to Newt and Minho hiding behind them whilst pointing at the author. “She’s lying.” 

“Hey don't bring me into this.” The author carried on typing. 

“Well it doesn't matter now anyway does it?” Nick carried on looking at Alby, “Considering im a-” 

“Dont ruin my story!” The author shouted and Newt covered Nick’s mouth. 

Alby sighed, shaking his head and grumbling something under his breath as he pinched the rim of his nose. 

“Ew!” Newt looked disgusted as he wiped his hand onto his shirt. 

“Shouldnt of covered my mouth.” Nick smirked. 

“No need to lick me!” Newt playfully pushed her. 

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now