Prologue: An Introduction

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The internet can be such an influenced place wouldn't you agree? I mean if I had to put it in any way the internet has been around since the early 2000's as of so far as we may speak and the longer the years pass the more influenced we are as a generation to create things, we've created such things like apps for social platforming and such, one of those examples is the thing that had resonated with the burning ember of curiosity was a particular genre, the horror genre where as people had gotten to grow accustom to it's existence and it's presence and through out each of the many decades there have been multiple forms of it circling the waters of today's pop culture, one of them being an example for sure is a particular interesting take on the horror genre there have been quite a few examples that have been out there and available with such ease access for people to come across for sure, whether it being horror movies of the specific genre such as slashers, paranormal supernatural demon possession, haunted house, ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, and etc. But one thing is for sure to be duly noted here and that is fairly one specific genre for and that happened to catch the eyes of people of one of many yet strangely it took long enough for people to make this specific obscure genre happen on the internet, one that has been influential for since the early 2000s and late 2010s one of them being for sure as I express the more specific example of what is to be mentioned here and that is the one in ugly specific genre for that it seem to exist for decades and will continue to exist on for decades for new generations to stumble across, and that what I mean here for sure is a specific type of genre. And the specific genre that I'm talking about here is one that had seemed to physically catch people's eye a specific genre of horror that seems to have people talking about and continuing to talk about even through the decades even when you think it has died out and faded away like a shadow; like as if they had left but for some reason deep down you may think it left but the truth is it never did leave us it stayed around for decades in the modern 2000s for the year for new generations and also new life and new blood to come around and just blindly stumble upon it like we did at an age of humanity and human race had done so for a testament of time. That genre that I am talking about here that we people are talking about here is it specific type of genre that has been pointed out that has its ups and it's Downs it's diamonds in the rough while also having some questionable stories out there...... That for sure for anyone wondering what I am talking about there have been is one that's been talked about for quite some time and will still be talked about for quite some time for the long while as we continue to exist and breathe sleep eat drink hell even walk around and interact with other people around us, what I'm talking about here was and will forever be a genre of horror that will stick around. That being for sure without even a single doubt and what I'm talking about here is specific type of genre of horror that will be around for centuries and what I'm talking about is internet horror. Specifically one stand alone type of genre that fits in the internet horror is a specific branch a limb or even the root that planted it. That is what I mean specifically is what we call by a specific name to identify it easily with ease a name that was given to it off of the top of the heads of man a name that is easily recognizable and will easily be remembered and easy to pronounce for those to come a name that has it's flaws and it's strengths; a name that we gave to it and for those who know well you know but for those who don't and who are completely unaware as to what it is that I'm talking about or what anyone is talking about well that what I'm talking about is something that many people know exists but newer generations newer life and blood in the flesh haven't even discovered yet but soon will. What I'm referring to is a term or a name for this branch in this specific limb of internet horror that exists is called Creepypasta. Creepypasta itself well for those who know you really don't need an explanation on what the hell it is completely new and unaware is basically well copy and paste stories that are creepy scary or just downright eerie and settling amongst the terms that couldn't be described easily as sinister because honestly the term sinister would be a bold statement to describe this you see it all started with just finding different horror stories on the internet stories that influence us that had an effect on us, stories is that for sure have seen when we were younger and we look back on those stories was fun memories the feeling of comfort the feeling of nostalgia the feeling of a great blanket of warmth that was there keep us safe and protected something that we used as a way to escape from The real World that's what that was what creepypasta is and will forever be something that we may think will just die slowly from a painful death and even if we may think that it died deep down within us all it hadn't died we may think it died but it didn't you may think it left but really the truth is it didn't leave as much as we think it left it stayed it stayed here for a long time ever since it first began ever since the birth of it, it won't leave it will continue to stay. And with that we shall talk about for times to come as much as we like to think that it left and as much as we like to think that creepypasta had died and passed on we may think to ourselves that and you can keep thinking to yourself that it did but the truth is deep down it didn't it didn't die it didn't leave it didn't pass on like we may think it will instead stay here with us closely and tightly and it will continue to stay here with us. And to that I say let it stay, let it stay here with us let it continue to exist let it continue to breathe and thrive even if it is in many different forms many different ways many different versions and most importantly many different takes on infamous creepypasta stories let it continue to influence us and take a hold take grasp with what we were introduced with in many different styles shapes and colors many different tones and many different interpretations. Honestly there's nothing wrong with that there never has been anything wrong with it, yet strangely the thing that we may never find the answer to is that with many questions as we may find the answers to the one answer that we won't find about it about creepypasta is what made it influential what made it stick with people and stay here with us in an effective way? Do we know for sure? No not really. But honestly maybe that's for the best that we don't know the answer to it. Maybe it's best that the answer is that we come up with as to why it's probably something that we might come up with our own it's definitely won't be a question that you can easily answer with a simple Google search or a YouTube video going into a deep dive analysis to explain it. Don't expect that don't ever for seek that to be an option for you for me or for anyone. Maybe the answer is there isn't one maybe there isn't a reason as to why it stayed with us why it had affected us on a deeply personal level we may think that we do truth is we don't you don't I don't not even I think the whole world does. Maybe it's probably best that way maybe it's probably best that you just let it question us let the mystery of it all just grasp our brains and let it just sink in and crawl into the crevices and spaces of our brain and as to be sure as to be of it we may think we have the answers as to why creepypasta had affected us in a personal level but let's be honest with ourselves. We don't that's just the point of it plain and simple no need to fully analyze or deeply explain it's just there it's just there just teasing us and mocking us with a possible answer that we will probably never find or get so that we may be able to fully understand. For as it's strengths and it's weaknesses we just may have to accept it as it is and there is really nothing that we can do about it not even you not even me. Honestly it's probably best that way it's probably best to stay that way without question without thought as to why when where and how the only thing that matters is that well it's here and maybe that's just it. But the big important question that we may talk about here is basically a situational thing you know like what happens if the things that we created the things that we made along the way was used against us what if something had taken what we made what we created to use it against us some unknown force that we don't seem to be aware of or able to see until we do and when we do it maybe too late. That's the situation of this story that's being told the story that you were about to see is the prime example to that question as to what may happen and what could happen but surely won't for sure...... Right?


CREEPYPASTA: A TALE OF HORRORWhere stories live. Discover now