Chapter 10: Overheard

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The next morning Adam had been walking around the woods as he had gotten nothing better to do and so far also he had gotten a text from Collin saying that he was gonna be out doing something. Adam responded back with something telling him okay and eventually Adam had went on with his way he walked through the woods for quite some time until eventually he gotten bored of the long walk and soon for sure had turned around and had been startled by the sight of The Slenderman standing there for a brief minute before disappearing. Adam had jumped and of course had went turning around and leaving the woods as he didn't want to be in the same area where that Whitehead Creature was at in the same time frame where Adam had existed, he didn't want to be there after last night. Later that day as he had walked home Adam had walked passing by the old house that him and the gang always went into during the night to meet up, he had stopped and stared for a moment as he could've seen Cameron go inside of the house and soon for sure of course so of course he walked inside and had seen nothing for a good while as he proceeded to call out Cameron's name. Was he hallucinating? Well....Adam would get that answer very shortly as he had turned around he got jumpscared at the fact of a hallucination of a ghost version of Cameron charging at him mouth wide open screaming with blood black as the night running down his face from the large gaping knife wound that he had taken after his visit with when Jeff The Killer had shown up in Cameron's house. He walked inside of the house and had seen nothing inside. He walked around for a good bit and until he had came to the basement he had heard his friends down there speaking about everything including what sounded like Collin saying words. Adam couldn't hear so he got down onto the floor and listened. He could hear the conversation. "We can't allow him to continue to be here." Mia said. "It's not his fault." Collin said. "We were all fine until Adam came along, now we lost two members of our group and all be side of what." Charlotte said. "We have to replace him, who wants to vote him out." Mia said. "Nobody is voting Adam out it just isn't fair." Reggie said. "Thank you Regg." Collin said. "Oh shut up Reggie!!!" Mia said. "Look! Now you listen here I am not gonna throw Adam out of the group because of the fact that two of our group mates had died from painfully vicious deaths." Collin said. "So then?" Mia said. "So then whatever shit you guys come up with has to go through me for approval, I know we have no other option as you may think Mia but I am telling you we such as I myself am not gonna submit the approval of kicking Adam out of the group. And that is final!!!" Collin said.

Adam had listened for a good while to the conversation and he had heard enough of it for sure to know that he was no longer wanted to be there, he didn't have to be in the group to hear the breaking news; he got up and eventually he turned away going back outside leaving the abandoned house entirely for sure. He didn't want to be in a group of friends that didn't want him because a incident that happened twice......well three times actually but JC didn't matter he wasn't a part of the group he was just the dumb meat head jock that would also function as the school bully and that was about it really if this was horror film JC had been the first to go, the idiots and the dumbasses were always the first to go when death had came to collect the flesh of the living. But yet this wasn't a movie this was reality and Adam was in the real world he wasn't in one of his cheap slasher movies where logic and realism was thrown out the window. Adam had decided to cut himself off for the rest of the rest of the year. Every now and then when he went to school he'd see Collin and the rest there at his lockers, Collin would spot him and try to get his attention to come over but Adam would always look and turn away ignoring him and the rest. One of the days Collin had spot Adam at his locker and would walk towards him, Adam had turned walking away and Collin however had chased after him jogging along the hallway and eventually for sure he tried talking to Adam. "Hey Adam look so I was thinking about having you write some of stories for our group uh we could use you to have new members for our group." Collin said. "Why do you could replace me?" Adam said. "What?" Collin said confused. "Collin I heard your conversation with Mia and the others when I came by, Mia and Charlotte want me out of the group." Adam said. "Right that, you were there for that?" Collin said. Adam didn't respond and so he just turned and away from Collin and walked off. Collin had to chase after him again and stop him to talk to him. "But hey look I told Mia that I didn't approve of her decision to throw you out." Collin said. "Well.....that's great and all for sure of course but I don't care replace me if you want I don't give a fucking shit anymore." Adam said. Collin stood there hurt as he watched Adam just turn away and walking off ignoring him entirely.

The weeks had went by and not really much of anything had happened and the more times Adam had seen Collin in school he had gotten more distant and cold and time and time again he was done he had tried multiple occasions to be apart of something to be able to have friends and the moment he had joined Collin and his little six person club he had hoped that this would be the moment that things would be better that things would be different, but no this was not that in the end. He was done trying. Why would he ever need to bother trying by getting at the hands of something that he had tried multiple times at his best to do but never get anything good out of it in return? He was done trying anymore. Because what was even the point in it all if he couldn't win? After school he had went home and eventually soon enough for sure as during the walk home Reggie of all people had caught up to him after school. "Hey Adam dude I heard about what happened between you and Collin, I'm sorry to hear about that he feels really bad for what happened." Reggie said. "Well let me know he decides to have Mia change her mind." Adam said as he walked along side Reggie. "Look I want you back as much as Collin does, me and him both were happy when you became part of the group so was Mia and Charlotte and Rachel and Cameron." Reggie said. Adam had stood there and paused as he stopped walking for a minute. "You both want me to come back so bad don't you?" Adam asked. "More than fucking anything bro." Reggie said. Adam stood there he looked around and soon enough he had turned around and looked at Reggie. "If you and him want me to come back so bad then I'll tell you what I'll return only one condition and that is for Mia to change her mind about kicking me from the group." Adam said. Reggie stood there. "Whatever you want dude sure." Reggie said. "I'll tell Collin tonight whenever we meet up." Reggie said. "Okay, good now I gotta get home right now." Adam said. Adam had walked back home and soon for sure of course had walked in through the door greeting his sister sitting on the couch watching a TV eating some chips and soon Adam had gone up to his room and shut the door behind him turned on some music and then sat there and had typed away on some future stories on his laptop for the mutual future of his re-emergance for the Ghosts Of Fear Society. About a week later, Adam had came back to the group after Collin, Reggie, and Charlotte had stood there on his front porch with Mia and had her apologize to Adam taking back the vote of him being removed from the group. He accepted the apology and soon all was normal again. But they're was one thing missing. They all needed  new blood to replace Cameron and Rachel's spots out of many ways to show respect in memory to them both. But who would they get? Adam on the other hand for sure knew exactly who he had in mind to take Rachel's spot in the group and that person was who he lived with since birth in the same house that he did.

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