Chapter 11: The Smile Dog

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The night before as Charlotte had suffered from strange nightmares after seeing something, she had come across a email that was sent to her two days ago that featured a message. The message had been written in Siberian Russian text. "Простите, мадам, но я не мог не обратить внимания, увидев ваш аккаунт в Instagram, что вам нравятся жуткие и проклятые изображения; возможно, это изображение сделает его еще лучше для вас прямо здесь, я думаю, вам понравится так же, как и мне. О, и просто для сохранности просто убедитесь, что вы делаете правильно для человечества и распространяете информацию! Спасибо, что дали доступ возможность связаться с вами в этот благоприятный момент и я надеюсь с нетерпением ждать встречи с вами очень скоро. Берегите себя и проведите прекрасный день! Искренне ваш The Smile Dog." She read the message and below it had contained a link to the image itself and the image itself as she had seen it was pretty haunting.

The image had just been a grainy black and white phot that showed a grinning smiling Siberian husky with white pupiless eyes and and it's mouth contained human sharp teeth. It spooked her for a quite good while and the message in Russian had been translated. «Распространите информацию!» what did that even mean? She put it through a translator and it showed the Russian text in English "Spread the word!" it read. What did that message mean. But that happened yesterday from the night before, so Charlotte had sat there in the classroom sitting there at her desk and looking around the classroom as the teacher as she had listened had stood there and had talked about dealing with spreading the word of something and the consequences that it can do to harm others and how it can be let alone worse if you don't do anything about it. She had gotten up for the moment when class was over and had went to the women's bathroom of the school and had opened the door as she had seemed to be delusional for the moment she sat in the bathroom stall as she had heard a couple of girls walk inside and start talking about what boys to date and who they were going out with, Charlotte had listened in on the situation and soon of course sure she waited until they left, Charlotte had came out of the bathroom of the school and soon for sure had stood there at the sinks and she looked in the mirrors and she had seen herself she told herself that everything was gonna be alright and then she heard a voice that didn't belong to her she looked and had seen whatever it was that spoke to her but it was only for a split second as it disappeared merging back into the wall of the bathroom. But what she could see was that it had a pale white head and black eyes. "No it's not." was what the voice of the thing said. Charlotte had been creeped out for sure and spooked about whatever it was that had been happening for sure of course and so she came out of the bathroom and stood out in the hallway.

As she stood there she heard the faint tappings of claws tapping on the floor, the sound of a dog growling, she shook it off as the feeling due to the lack of sleep and so therefore just carried on she had went into one of the empty classrooms the computer and so of course she stood there as she closed the door and soon eventually had stood there for a good minute, she walked through the room passing by the row of computers and over to the window and as she had done so she had failed to notice the sight beside her each step she took the computers had one by one turned on by themselves and flashing the images on each screen was the Smile Dog image. Charlotte hadn't noticed any of them by herself. She stood there and looked out of the window and soon for sure had watched the outside for sometime before suddenly it was time to go out and leave the school day behind. She joined back up with Collin and the rest and soon had left and went back home until it was midnight tonight.


Midnight rolled around and soon for sure of course the remaining friends had Adam had stood there with all of the remaining time Adam has been in charge of finding the invitations this time, he would go to his sister and deliver an invitation and soon they would try to hit up another kid named Sid Grover and then they had done so and which of course after they did that they then eventually collected the invitations and soon they gotten new members. Soon they went back home and acted like nothing else had happened. Later that night Charlotte had laid there in her bed sleeping and she slept for a long time until something else had happened, her phone had turned on by itself and soon for sure showed a image of the Smile Dog itself and the phone glitched out and soon Charlotte had slept not noticing her phone fell until she jolted up and heard the phone hit the floor she climbed out of bed and sooner or later she grabbed her phone and had held it she looked at the Smile Dog image and soon for sure of course had screamed when the image came to life and tried to make it's way out of her phone she threw the phone and it broke she ran downstairs and into the living room she ran into the kitchen grabbing the nearest weapon she could find, it was a rolling pin. She gripped it and soon eventually she walked passing into the living room and she had seen that every electronic in the house hold had came to life and she used the rolling pin and destroyed everything electronic in sight; the house phone rang and she picked it up and had heard on the other end the sounds of hell as screams and laughter were there and a voice spoke saying "Spread The Word." She hung up and threw the house phone destroying it and soon eventually she had gotten exhausted for all of that doing. She had sat down and sat on the couch in front of the TV.

The TV had came on by itself and soon eventually the Smile Dog image came into frame and then it came to life she looked on and she watched as it formed physically and came out of the TV she watched it as it came out of the TV a large Siberian husky the size of a bear standing there with human teeth and white eyes.

She screamed and it lept at her and eventually tackled her tipping over the couch and eventually it pinned her to the floor "That's impossible

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She screamed and it lept at her and eventually tackled her tipping over the couch and eventually it pinned her to the floor "That's impossible." Charlotte said. "It's not impossible." The Smile Dog uttered back. Soon a brutal death unfolded as the Smile Dog had tore Charlotte apart and devoured her entire body flesh, organs, and all until she laid there a mangled mess and the Smile Dog had devoured her dead body lapping up her blood. It then dragged her body away and soon of course her body hadn't been found when Charlotte's neighbor Mrs. Wilkins had came over to check and soon scream and ran out the door after discovering Charlotte's dead body the very next day. A message in blood written on the wall read.


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