Chapter 11- To Love, or Not To Love

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Ajay's P.O.V.
As soon as all the guests left, Sona took to the couch and fell asleep. I carried her to my room and my parents teased me. "What? She's my fiancé. There's nothing I can do about it." Arushi smiled and giggled,"And what about your wedding night?" "Aww come on Aru! Don't remind me." I set Sona on the bed and move her bag out of the way. I accidentally dropped it and everything scattered on the floor. The last thing I picked up was a diary/journal that say 'Things to Do in My Lifetime'. An envelope fell out with pictures of Sohan and her,"She was in love with this dude? How disgusting." I put the pictures back and the envelope, stuck it in the journal pocket, and flipped through the pages. Some of the wishes she had I didn't even expect for her to wish for,"Ocean cliff diving, play in the rain, visit Manali." I flip the page to find my picture,"The wish says 'To Fall in... Love.' She loves me? She loves me!" Sona shift but doesn't wake up. I whisper before giving Sona a kiss on her forehead,"Janam, I love you, you love me."

When I got up, the sun shined in my face, the TV is on, and Sona is taking a shower. I saw on the news that Kavya was found at the engagement ceremony. That's good. The plan is working. Sona came out drying her hair with the towel,"If this plan stays on path we will be sure to win." She flips her hair, making her look so flawless. My gaze gets interrupted by Sona throwing the towel at me,"Your turn."
I helped Sona with a few things like cooking, yes cooking, and she was asking me why I was being so nice. "What do you mean? Can I not be this way to my fiancé?" "Oh please, Mr. Khadus. Oops! I mean Mr. Khurrana." "I heard you call me that at work before so don't pretend." She softly slaps me on my cheek and gets a floury handprint on my face,"Dekho, Dekho? Look what you did," I grab a hand full of flour. "Ajay, Ajay, don't do it. NO!" I rubbed it all over her face and in her hair. "AJAY, you are so going to get it from me! That's not fair. I only left a handprint but I look like a ghost." I let her grab some flour and put it on my face. After that is became a 'flour fight'. Arushi walked in the kitchen and starts laughing,"It looks like mum and dad have their grandchildren and I have my niece and nephew. Papa, Ammi, look at your grandchildren." Mum and dad come rushing in,"What?! Really?! Oh. It's just my son and daughter-in-law." Sona runs to mum,"You see how he troubles me?"

The sheets are pulled up to my waist line and I don't feel like pulling them up to cover my face so I take a pillow. Sona comes in the room,"Come on Ajay. Put a shirt on." "Why?" I smirk,"Am I to sexy for you?" "Huh, who says you're appealing and sexy, Mr. Khadus? I rather John Abraham or Varun Dhawan." "Oh really?" I caught her by surprise and pinned her down in the bed,"Ajay, let me go, I'm not liking this." "Kyun, am I not allowed to be romantic?" "No. I will scream, Ajay. I very angry." "Itana gussa," I say. I let her struggle for awhile, leaving her impatient to leave. Then I give her a kiss on the cheek and leave.

Sonali's P.O.V.
I grow impatient to leave. *Gasp* Did he just give me a kiss on the cheek? I sit there for a while processing what happened. He really does love me. He just won't admit it. "So..." "Oh, Arushi, you startled me." "Don't pretend. He kissed you didn't he?" "No, no, no. He was just fooling around." "Yea, sure," and she walks away. Ugh! She better not tell papa and mamma ji.

I came down for dinner and it was very silent. We were all looking at each other. At home it would never be this quiet. Did Arushi tell them? Ajay broke the silence,"They say a hug burns one hundred and fifty calories, holding hands can burn two hundred calories, and a kiss can burn more than three hundred and fifty calories." He looks strait at me when he says that. I get up and grab my plate,"And they say a kick burns more than two hundred calories but a slap burns up to four hundred calories. Not only that, a punch can make you lose more than five hundred calories. Do you know how skinny we would be?" Ajay blushes and everyone else laughs. The fact that Ajay loves me back, gets me scared. When I fell in love with Sohan I thought that we were actually going to live our lives together after college. But I still can't figure out the reason behind that Sunday night. What did I do to deserve that? As I was washing the dishes, Ajay wraps his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder,"Why are you so stubborn? Can't you see that I'm not rude to you?" I replied back rudely,"And can't you see that we became friends for no reason?" That should've left him heartbroken.

At bed, I could clearly tell that he wasn't heartbroken. "Ajay, you will earn a slap from me tonight." He kiss the palm of my hand before it reaches his face and smirks,"What kind of slap?" Realizing what he means, I push him,"Disgusting!" Although we never confessed our love, I'm starting to think about after marriage. I never had a good sleep since the engagement. Either I would be on Ajay's side and I have no idea how or we would be all over each other. This morning Ajay and I were hugging. Ajay shifted and I hugged him tighter,"Don't go, Artie. You're warm. And besides I have to go bridal shopping at ten." He moves closer to me and I feel his abs,"Artie since when did you start working out?" "Oy hello!" I open my eyes hearing the manly voice.

Ajay's P.O.V.
"Oy hello!" She opens her eyes hearing my voice. She sits up and pulls the covers up to her chest,"Excuse me." "What? Did you fart?" She clenches her teeth in disgust and narrows her eyebrows,"God, who made this child?! You know sometimes I wish I never knew you but then you make me fall for you every time." Did she just say she falls for me? She throws the covers off of her and they land on my face. I pull it off and to see her disappear I the bathroom. I yell,"That's a first!"

I had to come with Sona to the (Indian) bridal shop. Mom and Arushi came along with auntie- I mean maji and Sona's sis. As they were picking stuff for Sona they kept asking what she liked,"I'll be satisfied with whatever you want." I stifle a laugh as I see them hand her five types of Indian dresses. When she walks in the changing room she see about a dozen more. "Ma, you've got to be kidding me. Who picked these?" "Four are from Artie and Arushi, six from Ajay's mum and me, and the rest are from Ajay." Take that, Sona! Now I will really make you go pagal. The first dress she tried on I could tell she didn't like and that was from ma and maji. It was way over heavy and she looked too traditional. About 2:30 and she was on the tenth one. She still wasn't interested and that was from the most beloved Arushi and Artie. When she was done she had a hard time choosing which one she liked from the ones I had picked for her. Even though it wasn't traditional color, I knew her taste of color and style. "Ugh, Ajay you pick for me. I don't care which one. The ones you picked for me are all so nice I can't decide." "Ok, calm down. How about that one?" I point to a red gharara with bead work, embroider, etc, etc. The time we left was around five. Thank the lord! I couldn't stand another minute in there.

I know the 'flour fight' was unnecessary and I don't know when I will get to the part about Sona uncovering her missing Sunday. I know you have a lot of questions so please ask away. Besides all of that, hope you liked this chapter and you have the right to get mad at me for not updating my fanfiction(s).

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