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Notes- TW Mentions of bullying, body image issues. I don't even know why I wrote this I'm sorry.

Carly had never had the best time at school. However, over the past few months, it had started to become a place that she would dread coming into every day. There's a false assumption that bullies are a group of people. Popular, mean, will pick on everyone below them. But in reality? Bullies were friends, people who were meant to be there for you.

Carly had always felt like an outsider in her own friend group, like they hung out with her out of some unknown obligation rather than the fact they wanted to be her friend. One girl in particular, Emily, absolutely hated Carly. Maybe Carly was too much of a bright light for Emily to handle, maybe Emily had something going on at home. Either way, she was set on dulling any fire and optimism Carly had.

One thing Emily used to do was make fun of Carly's weight. Carly had never been an overweight girl, per say, not that it would have mattered if she was. Still, she had been very self conscious of her weight and the fact that she didn't look like supermodels in magazines, or other girls in her year group. Emily saw this weakness and decided to play on it, for reasons to this day Carly still doesn't know.

'Jelly on a plate.' A harmless kids song. Except it wasn't so harmless. Emily would sing this, stretching her arms out and wobbling around, saying it reminded her of Carly. All her other friends would laugh, and it would be a harmless joke. Except it wasn't harmless. And it wasn't funny. But what could Carly do. ''Oh don't be so stuck up its a funny joke'' is what she would have gotten if she ever dared to mention how much it hurt her. Which she didn't.

This went on for months, with both the comments on Carly's weight, along with picking apart her entire appearance and personality every day hurting her more and more. It weighed on Carly mentally, and she felt trapped in her own friendship circle, as without them she'd have no one, and she'd be ''the girl with no friends''

Still, out of this experience, she realised something. She realised that she wanted to dedicate her life to being kind and accepting of people. She never wanted anyone to feel the way she had felt during this time. She wanted people to be safe and comfortable in their own skin around her. So, in some weird way, it's not a completely bad thing this happened. It's just a shame she had to learn this lesson under these circumstances.

Hi! I just wanted to add a note to say please always be kind to people, You never know someone's struggles, and even if they don't have any insecurities, that's no excuse to create new ones for them. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and if you have negative thoughts about someone keep them to yourself. And if you're being bullied, don't feel afraid to speak out. You're not a 'snitch', you're not 'wasting time', bullying is wrong and you don't deserve the things they're saying about you. And they aren't true. 

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