🌺Part 24🌺

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The night of the wedding was full of passionate touches, kisses as soon as Colin and Penelope walked through their front door greeted by their house staff and Rae being promoted to housekeeper. "Congratulations Mr & Mrs Bridgerton" Rae says curtsying and their staff follow "thank you Rae all of you can have the rest of the night off" Colin says dismissing them with a hand "now its time to spend with my wife" Colin leads Penelope to their bedchamber. Closing their bedchamber doors Colin looks at Penelope standing in the middle of their room still in her wedding gown. Colin takes off his wedding jacket, unbuttoning the waistcoat and undoing his cravat leaving his neck bare, he walks towards Penelope with such desire without saying a word between them they kiss.

Penelope playing with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck making him moan softly, Colin then trails light kisses down the side of her neck causing Penelope to turn her head so he can gently feel her pulse under his lips. Breathing heaverly Colin reaches round to undo the buttons on Penelope's wedding struggling slightly Penelope turns giggling. With light fingers and gentle touches the dress slips down and pools at Penelopes ankles. Colin offers his hand so she can step over it. "Go and lay down, keep the shoes on for now" Colin whispers in her ear and Penelope does just that. Her hair is down so it covers her perfect breasts, watching Colin take off his shirt, unbuttoning his trousers in like a slow seductive dance. Penelope can't believe he is her husband for forever. Colin slowly walks over and places one knee on the bed he slowly crawls up Penelope's kissing the most sensitive parts of her body. She almost came undone from this alone without Colin inserting himself.

"Colin...take me and take me now" Penelope moans and with that Colin inserts himself all the way till there is no room or gps between them. Colin doesn't move straight away because he loves the feel of Penelopes walls wrapped around his member and how amazing it is. Penelope lifts her hips up just slightly and this causes Colin to start moving finding that sweet spot, Colin holds Penelopes hand in his above her head and the other is under her knee of the bent leg. The feeling of pleassure building, both getting close smash their lips together in a passionate kiss causing them to both orgasm at the same time. Colin slowly removes himself from Penelopes garden and walks to the adjoining bathroom to get a wash cloth and ruins it under warm water. Penelope can't even move or lift her head up to watch Colin walk to the bathroom naked as the day he was born. Closing her eyes for a moment Penelope felt a warm washcloth beween her thighs as a hand gently parted them, she opens one eye and watches her husband treat her body like it was a temple.

Once cleaned up Colin walks back over and gets into bed next to Penelope both naked "married sex is the best yet" Penelope says playing with Colin's chest hair "indeed I must agree with you plus to many many more years of that" Colin states looking down at a sleeping Penelope who snores very softly, to which Colin places one hand behind his head, the other around his wife and falls asleep peacefully. A gentle knock stirs Colin awake leaving Penelope sleeping he grabs a nightshirt and robe, covering Penelope's naked form because no-one else can see her naked but him or Rae.

A knock comes again so Colin goes to answer it. "Morning sir, sorry to distrub you but you have a visitor" Rae says looking at Colin "right now?" He asks rubbing his eyes "yes sir she wants to talk to you quite urgently even though I said you were sleeping still" Rae states "who is it?" Colin asks "it's your sister sir, shes waiting in the reception room, I will bring you both some tea, will Mrs Bridgerton be joining you?" Rae asks "no let her sleep for a little while more" Colin says heading to reception room.

"Eloise I didn't think I would be seeing you so soon" Colin says standing still "I've come to apologise for yesterday ruining your wedding it was never my intention, I would never want to hurt you or Penelope" Eloise says eyes tearing up. Colin sits down as does Eloise "then why tell Cressida everything, you know how shes treated Penelope over the years, more importantly the balls. Did you really think she wouldn't turn up on our wedding day to cause some sort of drama" Colin says reflecting on yesterdays events. "No I mean I guess our friendship or whatever it was is kind of finished with now anyway. I've come to realise she is too much work, she feeds of drama and that's nit me" Eloise says smiling sadly. "Eloise I need to know why did you do it?" Colin asks just as Rae comes in with a tray of tea and Penelope dressed in a nightdress and robe.

"Penelope" Eloise whispers "El I didn't know we were excepting you" Penelope comments sitting down next to Colin as he pours her a cup of tea as well as Eloise one. "I wanted to come by and say how sorry I was that I caused you so much pain on your wedding day when it should of been a happy one" Eloise states. "El I've been your best friend for a very long time and I may not understand your actions with telling Cressida but we are family now and mine and Colins wedding day wasn't fully ruined, it was a blip so we can't let Cressida ruin everybit of happiness that comes my way" Penelope states Colin pulling Penelope closer to him as he kisses the top of her head. "Penelope's right sister and thank you for your apology and if its true that you and Cressida are through as friends then all is well" Colin sits back. "Would you like to stay for some lunch sister? You and Penelope can talk whilst I'll go and get dressed" Colin says getting up.

"That would be lovely thank you brother" Eloise says wiping away at her eyes then taking deep breathes. Colin leaves them to it "Pen I am so sorry" Eloise starts again "El I know you are. Colin forgives you, you're his sister he may not say the words just yet but he knows you mean it and he won't be mad for long. It's Colin we are talking about here" Penelope says reassuring her best friend. "What about you do you forgive me. I mean I know I didn't like the idea of the two of you to begin with but I have never seen my brother so smitten and in love before than when he is with you, you are his world" Eloise says Penelope takes Eloises hands in hers "and you are his favourite sister along with Hyacinth of course" Penelope giggles causing Eloise to smile. Colin reappears dressed "Pen do you want to get ready for lunch it will be arriving soon" Colin says smiling at his wife. "Yes I better" Penelope gets up to leave.

"Eloise I love you, you're one of my favourite sister so you've made a mistake, we all have so now we shall move on to something else and not let Cressida ruin anymore of our time. I want to enjoy my first day as a married man in the company of my wife and my sister even though one would be having some...fun with his wife today, if one sister didn't turn up" Colin jokes the last part. "Lunch is ready sir" Rae reappears with Penelope dressed in Bridgerton blue. "Looking stunning Pen" Colin says walking over to her pulling her close just to feel her lips against his "seriously you two, are just what mother and father used to be like always touching and kissing only eyes for one another" Eloise says grabbing a plate and puttings some fruit, sandwiches, crackers, cheese on it. "Thank you Eloise for that insight" Colin says "just earlier Colin told me he just wanted to spend all day in bed can you believe it" Eloise comments looking at Penelope whilst Colin groans in her hair "when can she leave?" He whispers "you invited her to stay for lunch" Penelope whispers back. "Damm I did didn't I" He chuckles.

"Right I must be off and let you guys enjoy your first day or marriage but pop by tomorrow mother wants you both over for tea" Eloise says getting ready to head back to Bridgerton House. "Will do sister and tell mother we shall both be attending" Colin says bringing Penelope to his side as Eloise goes and hugs Penelope then turns to Colin "bye" She walks down the steps and into the awaiting carriage.

First Kiss Is... All It Takes - A Colin Bridgerton & Penelope  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now