🌺Part 25🌺

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First couple of months of married life for Colin and Penelope has been blissful laying in bed one evening Penelope is stroking Colin's chest "you know with your travelling you did you should publish your tips, recommendations for fellow young men or women wanting to explore the world and find themselves" Penelope says thinking back to when Colin read her an entry. "You really think so? Do you think it would help?" Colin asks not convinced "yes think of Gregory what if he wanted to go off travelling after he attends Eton" Penelope states "your journal could help with that". Colin thinks about it "maybe you're right but then again you are right about most things" Colin says kissing Penelope's head. Penelope looks up and they share a kiss which always leads to more.

"Pen maybe we shouldn't you know because won't you be bleeding soon?" Colin asks always looking after his wife, making sure Rae provided extra woven pads that were freshly washed and ready to catch any flow of blood. "Oh my! You're right" Penelope sits up straight. "Pen it will all be well maybe you're just late" Colin asks rubbing Penelopes shoulders. "I've never been late before" Penelope gets out of bed pacing front and back. "Pen if we even if we are expecting I would be over the moon because we made he/she with our love" Colin says leaning forward grabbing Penelopes hand. "You sure?" Penelope asks Colin who nods pulling her back onto the bed to which she rolls onto her back and they both place a hand on her flat tummy. "When can we find out for sure that we are expecting?" Colin asks. "I'm not sure shall ask mama I guess or we can ask your mother instead if you like" Penelope suggests "we could ask both of them round for tea" Colin suggests "wonderful suggestion" Penelope gets up to write an invitation.

The following morning both mothers appear at Colin & Penelopes home "Lady Bridgerton it's so lovely to see you" Portia states whilst waiting for Colin and Penelope to come down and meet them. "You as well Lady Featherington, how are your two daughters doing they must be close to giving birth soon" Violet asks her. "Oh yes indeed they are, but they are strong women their husbands will be by their sides" Portia says looking around "it's a lovely home is it not" "it sure is it's been in our family for years actually" Violet comments smiling.

Colin and Penelope enter holding hands but let go to hug their mothers then switch "so good to see Lady Bridgerton" Penelope says smiling. "Good to see you too Penelope" Violet says smiling too. "So why are we both here?" Portia asks wondering but Violet has an inkling there is something. "Lets have some tea and cake before we tell you why we invited you over" Colin says as one of their housestaff comes in with a tray of fresh tea and cake. Rae stands by the door incase they need anything else. Penelope pours the tea for everyone handing everyone a cup Colin takes her hand in his moving his thumb forward and back in a sweet gesture.

"So what did you want to tell us or ask?" Portia asks looking at Colin and Penelope. "Mama or Lady Bridgerton either of you can answer these questions but how and when did you find out you were expecting with child?" Penelope asks taking a deep breathe. Portia and Violet look at one another "are you saying you are expecting?" Portia asks shocked "I don't know all I know is that I am late in bleeding" Penelope says looking at her mama "Colin was the one who pointed it out" Penelope adds "growing up with sisters has helped you understand women dearest wonder if your brothers have also picked up on the same thing" Violet comments wondering. "How late are we speaking?" Portia asks Penelope "a week maybe two, I wasn't feeling well last week and put it down to something I ate" Penelope says embarrassed "well when I was first expecting Anthony they made me pee in a cup and then dip a ribbon and if I gagged they would say you are expecting with child" Violet says thinking back "I had that as well awful it was" Portia says "now it's down to if you are being sick or feeling sick most of the time" Portia adds as Violet nods in agreement "but also your breast will be sore and tender, plus your belly will grow as the baby grows" Violet adds. "Every woman is different though and you will crave things and other things will make you feel sick or be sick" Portia comments "this is a lot to take in" Penelope whispers "feeling tired is also another thing to expect" Portia carries on.

"When I was expecting Colin I didn't know if I was having a boy or a girl because I already had two boys but he made me crave so many sweet things, he was also my biggest baby to give birth too" Violet says proud looking at her son. "oh god!" Penelope says "our baby is going to be huge like you" Penelope jokes Colin laughs "sorry not sorry Pen" Colin jokes back, Penelope puts her head in her hands. "Penelope  it's going to be okay" Violet says reaching across and patting Penelope's knee. "Your body knows what it is doing. It will be painful but you have me and your mother with you plus Colin can be in the room or out it's up to you" Violet states "I want to see my child be born thanks mother" Colin states. "Good that is good" Portia says finishing her tea.

Portia leaves before Violet does "Penelope if you have any worries please contact Daphane she can also help with any advice you need, she has been through it once already and they are expecting again quite soon actually" Violet says straightening her dress and places a hand to Penelope's cheek "you do look tired dear are you well?" Violet asks concerned Penelope lets out a cute little yawn "actually I do feel rather washed out excuse me Lady Bridgerton" Penelope places a hand over her mouth then leaves the room. "Will she ever call me Violet" Violet smiles at Colin "I doubt it mother but I will walk you out then go and check on Pen to make sure she is okay" Colin states. "You will be an amazing father you know, your father would be so proud of you, he always had a soft spot for Penelope you know I think deep down he knew before I did that you would end up married to her" Violet says feeling emotional. Colin hugs her "thank you mother for coming here I think I know what to expect and maybe once we know we are actually expecting it would be nice to see Anthony and how fatherhood has changed him" Colin says thinking about his older brother. "Good idea and baby Edmund isn't so small anymore he's turning into a right little chunk" Violet claims smiling. "Anyway give my love to Penelope" Violet says getting in the carriage as a footsman closes the door.

Colin re-enters their home "is Penelope sleeping?" Colin asks Rae "no sir but she is reading and sipping some sweet tea" Rae states Colin nods and walks in the direction of their bedchamber. "How are you feeling?" Colin asks Penelope as he sits on the side of the bed "a little overwhelmed to be honest" Penelope states closing the book she was just reading. "Aren't you feeling tired?" Colin asks and moves around the bed so he can lay down and cuddle Penelope who is always so happy to be in his arms. "Maybe a little nap might do" Penelope gives a little yawn then lays her head on Colins chest listening to his heart beat also the rise and fall of his chest.

During the night Penelope felt sick luckily the chamberpot was close by Colin woke up hearing Penelope being sick, sat up stroking her back. Colin rang a bell and Rae appeared in her nightgown and took the chamberpot away to washout and get a fresh one. "Is this just the beginning?" Penelope moans "can we have a glass of water, a washcloth and some mint to chew" Colin orders still rubbing Penelopes back. Rae comes back with everything he asked for "goodnight sir" She curtsys "thank you Rae" Colin says not taking his eyes off Penelope, he hands her the water "little sips" he suggests and Penelope follows. "You are going to be a brilliant father Mr Bridgerton plus I love you so much" Penelope says quietly "and you are going to be a brilliant mother to our child Mrs Bridgerton plus I love you so much too" Colin shares kissing Penelopes head. "Has the sickness gone?" He asks as Penelope chews on a mint leaf "for now lets try and get some sleep" Penelope lays back down and closes her eyes.

First Kiss Is... All It Takes - A Colin Bridgerton & Penelope  fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now