Marjorie Gets Answers

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A/N: My friends have given me this idea so this chapter is dedicated to Louise and Claire <3


Last night after I got home from work a message came through on the nursery group chat from Marjorie.
M: 'Staff meeting tomorrow after work, everyone MUST attend.'
A: 'May Winter and I be excused? We have plans.'
C: 'Mia and I have plans too'
S: 'I have to be home to help with Quinn!'
M: 'Everyone. Must. Attend.'
I was confused but sent back a thumbs up. I walked over to Mia as she poured out my cup of tea. "Are you ok baby? You look tense", she said as she handed me my tea. "Yeah no I'm fine, just work stuff", I sighed and took a sip. "Talk to me sweetheart, what's going on?"  "Jodie is being extra.. Jodie lately."  "Ahhh, you and the others have to work even harder?"  "Exactly. God I wish Marjorie would just hire someone else to help in her place or something"  "I know baby, hopefully Marjorie will wake up and realize how unfair it is that you are killing yourself and she sits in the office all day."  "Well there's a staff meeting after work tomorrow so-"  "What! What about date night?"  "I'm sorry Mia Marjorie won't let anyone go, not even Autumn"  "Bitch."  "Amelia!"

The next day after work we all went up to the staff room for the meeting. "So, I've called this meeting because majority of you have been acting strange. Why is that? Let's start with you Sorscha.", Marjorie said and folded her arms across her chest. "I'd rather not, I have a baby at home I have to live and you seem em.. dangerous"  "Gonna pretend that didn't hurt a tiny bit, Carly?"  "Uhm..... I ran away because I had to... wee..?"  "Ok.. Winter?" Just as Marjorie turned to winter Autumn gave her a warning glare. "Never mind, Charlotte?"  "Ummm..... No comment?", I stammered anxiously. "Right. Everyone is going to tell me EXACTLY why they were avoiding me yesterday. Let's start with you Sorscha.", Marjorie said, starting to get quite cross. We all gave each other a worried look and Sorscha stayed silent, we all did. "I'll tell her", Carly piped up nervously. Winter, Sorscha and I just looked at the floor. Carly was about to stand up but since I was sitting next to her I quickly put my hand on her leg so she'd sit back down. "So, it all started when I was walking past the office when I heard Mia's comment the other morning", she began. I looked up at Marjorie with a confused expression. "What comment?" I asked. "It's irrelevant, go on Carly", Marjorie said. "Well I heard her mention a spy so naturally I told the others", Carly continued. "So we've all been trying to sus out if you knew anything but we ran away because we didn't want you to know that we knew...", she admitted. "I see.", Marjorie said. "I see no reason why I had to come to this meeting, I have nothing to do with this", Autumn remarked. "Guys I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me stuff. If you hear anything from the office that worries you, talk to me about it! ", Marjorie told us.

After we all finished our confessions, we went home.

A/N: I had no idea how to end this chapter lol, sorry it took so long I had no idea of what to write but Claire and Louise helped me come up with this chapter so thank you guys (ik you are reading this lol) I'll try get chapter 5 done quicker

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