
26 1 1

"Before we start the meeting, I would like everyone to hand in their reports for the week!" You cousin says holding out her hand.

The first one to hand in their report is Sae-yeon, quite excitedly. Hyun-ho following behind.

To a lot of people's surprise, your cousin hands you the report while getting the others as you open it and read it through.

"Hey you're not suppose to read that!" Sae-yeon says while she leans over the table trying to snatch the report from your hand.

"Actually Sae-yeon, as the vice president of the club she is the only one other than me who's allowed to do that. But don't worry, she doesn't usually do this, it's mainly me." Eun-jung explains, making you flattered with the title.

As she continues to take the reports and finish arguing with the new member, you read a bit over it not really intending to pry on other people's business. Until something caught your eye.

Oh... Anal

"Damn Hyun-ho" you say with your eyes still on the paper not quite believing what you were reading. "You naughty bastard!"

He says nothing, mostly out of embarrassment, his face red as a cherry and you could almost see him start to sweat.

"Ok everyone, the reason I've gathered you all here today is to announce a new rule to the club! Unfortunately there has been an unbalance with the uhm... distribution, so from now on you can only repeat your sex report more than 3 times with a person if you are in a relationship" Eun-jung announces

You don't fail to see a few of the girls faces going sour.

"What if we don't agree to these terms?" Sae-yeon asks with her arm up and an angry expression.

"Then you are welcome to leave the club!" Eun-Jung simply responds with a gentle but threatening smile.

The response makes Sae-yeon be the first to storm out of the club room, leaving the remaining members.

"So uh... are we still on for the welcome party for tonight?" Choi asks.

"Yes, is any plans chance I'll contact you in the group chat!" Eun-jung finishes, standing up and head in to the door making her leave.

You had just put down the packs of beer on the table of the club room greeting Choi as Jeong-pil enters the door.

  "Why are only the two of you here? Where's everyone else" Jeong-pil asks with a confused expression looking around noticing the lack of people.

  "Turns out the party got cancelled" Choi answers.

  "Wait what?" You turn around surprised that you are only finding this out now.

"Yeah, Eun-Jung just sent the text a few minutes ago"

You smack your forehead for not looking at your phone sooner, now having bought beers for nothing.

"Well, you guys might as well help me drink all of this!" You say to the boys opening up one of the packs and handing each a can of beer.

As the sound of the cans popping from being opened someone enters the room

"Hello? Where's Hyun-ho?" Sae-yeon asks looking around.

"Not here" you answer taking a sip from the beer.

"Well then in that case I'll be off" she quickly turns around and leaves as if you were all strangers to her.

"Don't you think we've kinda become afterthoughts?" Jeong-pil asks Choi, a but irritated.

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