14. Aunt Lauren

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It was the same thing all over again: the searing pain, his suffocated scream, the pressure on his chest and throat. His slowed heartbeat, the palpitations, and the numbness after. Charlie would be there waiting every time, and once he was asleep, it happened all over again. He couldn't fight him off; he was stronger, bigger, and more powerful than he was. He said the same words.

"What happens between us, stays between us. You tell a soul, and I'll kill you, Grayson, and kill them too if you ever survive." Cold ran down Grayson's spine as a warm breath breathed against his neck.

That was the point Grayson would break free, letting out uncomfortable shouts for Charlie to stop, only to realize it was a dream. He would rush to throw up. It hurt his chest and throat, but he couldn't help it. He always felt dizzy and lightheaded after. Alex would always appear in the doorway. From previous encounters, he had learned to stay away, and Grayson appreciated it. He also felt reassured to see the man in the doorway asking the same question, "Are you feeling alright, Gray?" Grayson would respond coldly, "I want to sleep," then get back into bed and fall asleep.

Grayson couldn't close his eyes through the night. He got out of bed tired but awake. He never slept back when he was with Charlie and was only able to make it to six hours when he started living with the Smiths. Grayson got into a gray hoodie and black jeans. He went down to help Rosa with the chores. The woman asked more than once if he was doing well, and he responded positively even when he tripped more than once.

Russell and Julian joined the breakfast table just as Grayson set the last plate. He pulled a seat for himself.

"Morning, Grayson," Julian said, earning a glare from Russell.

"Morning, Julian," Grayson responded, deciding to avoid any snide remarks that would end up with Damien having to say a word to him.

Julian flashed a smile at Russell, "I told you."

"Whatever, I hope your stuff is packed," Russell said while staring at his phone screen.

"Yeah, Aunt Lauren promised a surprise," he stated warmly.

Alex descended the stairs. "Morning, boys," he greeted affectionately.

"Morning," Russell and Julian responded.

Grayson desperately wanted to ignore him, but he knew Alex would make a sermon out of it, and Damien would be the interpreter. "Morning, Uncle Lex," he muttered in a hoarse voice.

Alex smiled slightly, "Are you ready to meet your Aunt Lauren?"

Grayson sighed violently, but it came out small and weak. "I don't wanna go, don't make me. Please?" he added sarcastically.

Julian frowned in confusion, "You'll like Aunt Lauren. She is sweet," he added, earning a bored look from Grayson.

Alex poured a cup of coffee for himself. "You're going, Gray, that's final. And you're also going to school on Monday."

Grayson growled under his breath as he sat up, preparing to leave when he spotted Damien descending the stairs in a leisure outfit. Grayson lowered himself back down, muttering a few words under his breath. Julian snickered.

As Damien approached, the boys all greeted him. Grayson was the last. "Morning, Mr. Smith," he greeted.

Damien only grunted as he poured himself a coffee, not bothering to sit. Russell smirked, "Uh, Grayson, you'll like it there. You shouldn't say no to going for a weekend at Aunt Lauren's; she is sweet. And Uncle Alex would appreciate it if you don't give him a hard time."

Grayson almost spat the food he was chewing on.

Damien frowned lightly. "Say what?" He glared lightly at Grayson.

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