32. Unprepared

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Grayson sat in his room, a pencil in hand, drawing intricate designs on the wall around the window. Something about the walls called his name; he preferred it to the usual shuffling sound of papers. The images were a mix of abstract shapes and detailed graffiti, a hidden expression of his turbulent emotions. A skull with ravens and death itself with murder blades adorned the space. The door creaked open, and he jumped, quickly pulling the curtain over his artwork as he had been doing for the past few months.

Alex walked in, his eyes immediately catching Grayson's abrupt movement. "What are you hiding, Gray?" he asked, moving towards the curtain with a suspicious expression.

"Nothing," Grayson muttered, trying to act calm. But Alex ignored him, pulling the curtain aside to reveal the wall covered in graffiti.

Alex's eyes widened at the sight while Grayson threw his head back, tossing the pencil on his desk. "Grayson, what have you done to the wall?" he exclaimed. "Do you know how much the painting cost?"

Grayson shrugged, trying to seem indifferent. "It looks better than the plain wall."

Alex couldn't deny the skill evident in the drawings, but he was also frustrated. "You can't just draw on the walls, Grayson. You'll have to pay for this. I'll take it out of your pocket money so you learn to do better than vandalism. And have you been drawing on your school desk?" Alex asked painfully.

Grayson froze, averting Alex's gaze. "No, and I like the wall like this. You don't have to repaint it. Besides, it's not fair to punish me financially."

"Neither is ruining the paint," Alex replied sternly. "Now, the reason I came in here in the first place is to have a brief chat. Mr. Harris sent an email requesting a meeting on Monday with me."

Grayson's heart sank, but he tried to hide his fear. "What does he want?"

Alex gave him a knowing look. "You tell me." He crossed his arms. "Do you have any confessions to make? It would be easier for both of us."

Grayson shook his head. "Nope. I'm all clean."

Alex raised an eyebrow but didn't push further. "Alright. Just be prepared."

Grayson nodded, his mind already racing with worry. He remembered the time his stepfather, Charlie, had been called to the school. It ended with Grayson getting expelled and forced to move out. Grayson knew Alex was different. He was protective and understanding, maybe a little stern but in a positive way.

After Alex left, Grayson went downstairs where Julian was reciting a script for a school play. Julian looked nervous, mouthing the lines quietly.

Grayson couldn't resist his dark thoughts urging him to prey on the boy. "You call that acting? I've seen more emotion from a rock."

Julian looked down, clearly upset but trying not to show it. "Do you have to ruin it?"

Before Grayson could say more, the doorbell rang. He gave Julian a small but sinister smirk. As he yanked the door open, his heart nearly stopped. It was Milo!

The boy looked just as shocked as he was, but before he could speak, Grayson was quick to cut in.

"What are you doing here?" Grayson demanded, balling his fists. "I warned you to stay away," Grayson said through gritted teeth.

Milo looked confused. "I swear, I didn't know," he said in Spanish.

Russell, who had followed Grayson to the door, intervened. "Let him be, Grayson. He's here to play games with me."

Grayson glared at Milo. "Stop your tricks," he said in Spanish.

"I swear, I didn't know," Milo responded in Spanish again, his confusion genuine.

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