13. Returning home

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Life often takes very different turns when things seem to be getting even better, like a happy home being shattered by deaths and nothing but tragedy keeps popping up. Alex could recall their blossoming childhood, all four of them. They had all they needed and had each other to count on. Juliana was more like the chief of their band; all her brothers would die for her, and she had the heart of a man. She was rough and strong, always filled with life. She could bring light to any dark room, always ensuring each of them had a smile on their face. She could be very annoying, but nothing water couldn't handle—she was terrified of the rain and hated water. Alex smiled as he pictured her running from a bath.

But it all changed when their mother collapsed one afternoon when they got back from school. There were relatives home to keep them company, and a bunch of secrets were kept until a week later, when it struck hard. Juliana couldn't bear it; he could still hear the shriek from her soul filling the living room and even the house. She couldn't be comforted, even by her band of brothers. From that day, they lost the sister they all used to know. She would keep secrets and would rarely hang out with the band. She spoke about womanhood, then she was totally detached from them all except him because somehow they had that twin telepathy. Things got worse in high school; she would sneak out to parties, get drunk, and do even worse. Their father had always cherished her as the only girl, but without their mom, she was a whole new personality. She would get into arguments with him and even shut herself down on them all. Nobody could predict her moves, nobody could bring her to the right path—not even Damien, who tried so badly.

Alex drew in a calm breath as he recalled coming home with his twin sister, who had blacked out in class, and the nurse telling her she was pregnant right before him. It was a shock for both of them; she was in her final year, and he had not expected her to have gone that far—they were Christian in a very religious home. She couldn't have, and she didn't look like it. Her grades were good, she wore appropriate clothes—baggy, to be exact—and she rarely wore makeup. That was her style. As they entered the cold home, they were slightly shaking. Everyone would be mad—the whole family, Damien, and worse, their father.

Alex remembered holding her hand tightly and saying, "I'll be here for you no matter what. You're going to keep it, right?" She had looked at him with hollow eyes before withdrawing her hand.

"I don't know." She whispered coldly.

That night, words were said and actions were taken, but there were no solutions. Their home was torn to shreds. Their father became worse, and everything was turned over—

Alex was interrupted by a wrenching sound. He stepped out of the study, walking down the dark hallway. The sound was not unfamiliar; Russell and Julian usually came up with some bug during the night. Alex popped into their room; it turned out they were fast asleep. He didn't forget to check on Grayson. As he stepped in, he was greeted by the dim light in the bathroom and could hear the wrenching sound again. He quickly approached the bathroom, stepping in to find Grayson throwing up in the toilet.

He placed a hand on Grayson's small shoulder. Grayson jerked away, screaming hysterically, "Stop! Stop! Please stop!" with his hands raised above his head. Alex was beyond shocked.

"It's okay, Grayson," he said in a soothing voice as he withdrew his hands.

Grayson's raven hair fell on his face and stuck like flatworms due to his sweats, Alex tried tried again, but Grayson flinched slightly before getting up and making his way out of the bathroom. Alex followed behind him, keeping his distance. Grayson lowered himself to the foot of the bed as he wiped his face with his palm.

Alex crouched down to his height. "Nightmare, I guess. Does your stomach hurt?" he asked.

Grayson still looked shaky but had returned to his stiff expression. "I want to sleep," he responded, blocking out the question.

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